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Barbara Hutniczak 1st Year Seminar

1st Year Seminar

Department of Environmental and Business Economics, University of Denmark, holds a first year seminar for PhD student Barbara Hutniczak

Wednesday 8 May, 14.30-16.30

In meeting room 1A + B, Niels Bohrs Vej 9, Esbjerg

The title of the seminar is:

Economics of overcapitalized fishing fleet facing introduction of the ITQs –

Analysis based on the Polish fishing fleet example.

Presenting part 1: Increasing pressure on unregulated species due to decreasing quotas and following fleet dynamics.

External assessor:

Professor Martin Quaas, University of Kiel

Internal assessor:

Professor mso Brooks Kaiser


Professor Niels Vestergaard


Associate Professor, Head of Study, Lone Grønbæk Kronbak

Editing was completed: 05.05.2013