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Nice to know about FKF

Her you can find information about:

At the bottom of the page you will find useful contacts at the department, and you can always ask for help from the study guides at the Faculty og Science.


The laboratories at FKF 

LOST? You can find the location of the FKF teaching labs in this MAP

Safety has the highest priority.

Before the start of a project at FKF, you must read the safety guide (pdf).

As a student at FKF you will quickly find yourself in a lab. You will be introduced to the safety in the lab in a special course, but the rules and guidelines listed below are good to know whether you are participating in lab practice or a special project:

  • Prepare for the task at hand! Read the guidelines or as a bare minimum the introduction to the course.
  • Dress code: Long trousers, shoes covering all of the foot, lab coat and safety goggles.
  • Long hair? Wear in a ponytail, bun or similar to keep it away from your face.
  • No bags or coats in the lab! You will find closets for storage in the near vicinity of the labs – remember to bring a 10 kr. coin for the lock.
  • Notes and results: In a few courses it is permitted to bring your computer. Otherwise you will make hand written notes. We recommend that you use a solid protocol (hard cover book or smilar).
  • Health issues or hold-op: Are you unable to show up? Even if it is only a 15 minutes delay due to traffic, you have to report it The lab technician in charge will try to find room for you in a different class if you are sick, but they have the right to deny your access to the class if you are late, so be on time!

Special rules applying to students, who are working on their bachelor or masters

If you are going to work in a lab during your project, you will most likely be placed in a fume cupboard in the group, you are involved in. You might have to share that space with others, so be considerate and mark your glass ware and other things clearly and keep your space clean. You will handle your waste and cleaning yourself. Ask the lab technician in the group how to mark waste containers or use the legend HERE. Washing-up can be done in the two department wash rooms HERE and HERE, and you will have to arrange it in accordance with Gitte von Qualen.

As a bachelor student you may only work in the lab during normal working hours as a rule, and only if a lab technician, a PhD student or your supervisor is present.

As a master student you can be granted special permissions for work outside normal working hours, but you have to have a good reason. If fx you synthesis will take 10 hours and have to be removed immediately after, that will be a valid reason for you to prolong your lab time.

Analyses of synthesis products

At the department there are fixed procedures as to how to obtain a Mass or NMR spectrum. You can read more about the two techniques and how to fill in the requisitions here:

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Completion of projects - bachelor and masters

Getting started: You have to sign up for both projects digitally the way you sign up for other courses. You and your supervisor will have to make a project description, which has to be approved by the Study Board. If, for some reason, changes occur during the project, you have to apply for changes to the title or description at least 8 weeks before you have to hand in the report.

Your place at the Department: As a bachelor student you are not entitled to an office space, but as a masters student you will have a desk at the department. Due to the placement of the master student offices the desk might not be with the rest of your research group. When you get a desk, you can also get a key for the office, the labs and the kitchen on the ground floor. You have to contact Laura Ingeborg Davidsen (see below) to get a key.

Lab work: If you need a place in an office, a fume cupboard or both, you have to apply for that place (this is mostly for administrative reasons, so that the secretarial office will know how many we are at the department, and how much space we have left). The form for the application is located at the department pages at SDUnet, which your supervisor will have access to.

IT - programs and files: You don’t have to use specific computer programs or operating systems, but we recommend that you use something that IT-service will support, so you may easily get help. If you need access to the department folder on the common drive (the S-drive) you will need permission from your supervisor. When you apply for space certain boxes on the application form is for this purpose and here you can indicate which folders you need access to.

The reports: Handing in your reports is done digitally, and you will receive a mail with guide lines when you are approaching the deadline. The principle will be the same as in other digital exams.

Evaluation of the report will take place in the following way (in most cases):

  • Bachelor: Individual reports are evaluated by means of external grading, and you will be notified about your grade afterwards. Reports written in groups will be evaluated by means of an individual oral exam.
  • Masters: The report is evaluated at a public defense, where everyone has the right to be present. A 30 min. presentation is done by you about a topic related to the report, and the supervisor and the censor each then has 30 min. to examine you. When this is done, everyone will leave the room to let the supervisor and censor deliberate on your grade, and they will then let you know the result. You can ask the spectators to leave the room during the examination, and you can request to be told your grade in private. However, most students choose to share the event with family, friends and fellow students.

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Department of Physics, Chemistry and Pharmacy University of Southern Denmark

  • Campusvej 55
  • Odense M - DK-5230
  • Phone: +45 6550 3520

Last Updated 24.06.2024