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The Fourth Odense Workshop on International Entrepreneurship

IE Workshop Logo

The workshop aims to bring together researchers with similar interests to spur discussion and further development of ongoing research and new research ideas.

The sessions will be organised as genuine workshops lasting 2-3 hours, involving short presentations and ample discussion time.

There will be several parallel workshops. Each workshop will have a moderator who will initiate and head the discussions. Scholars signing up for the workshop may have two roles: Give a 5-10 minute presentation about the workshop topic or participate in the discussions.













The Fourth Odense IE workshop will offer workshop sessions on the following topics:



Date and time slot 

Workshop 1: IE in emerging and developing markets.  Elizabeth Rose & Yi Wang Thursday 20th of May
10:15 - 12:15
Workshop 2: Entrepreneurial ecosystems and
international entrepreneurship.
Lasse Torkkeli & Hannes Velt Thursday 20th of May
10:15 - 12:15
Workshop 3: Institutions and export-oriented entrepreneurial activity. Victor Martin-Sanchez Thursday 20th of May
10:15 - 12:15
Workshop 4: Competences of future sustainable entrepreneurs in an international context. Anna Vuorio & Ingo Winkler Thursday 20th of May
13:15 - 15:15
Workshop 5: INVs in the age of digitalization and new
digital business models.
Martin Hannibal Thursday 20th of May
13:15 - 15:15
Workshop 6: Necessary Condition Analysis (NCA) – foundations,
implications, advantages – an introduction.
Nicole Franziska Richter Thursday 20th of May
14:15 - 16:15
Workshop 7: Entrepreneurship in the circular economy and the
internationalisation of its business models.
Antonella Zucchella Thursday 20th of May
14:15 - 16:15
Workshop 8: Litterature Reviews in IE: Types, Approaches,
and Best Practices.
Alejandro Rialp Criado Thursday 20th of May
15:15 - 17:15
Workshop 9: PhD development: Discovering own voice. Gary Knight, Elizabeth Rose, Per Servais, Lasse Torkkeli & Romeo Turcan Thursday 20th of May
16:15 - 19:00
Workshop 10: Giving, taking and making sense in network interactions:
International entrepreneurs understanding of internationalization.
Erik Stavnsager Rasmussen & Nicolaj H. Petersen Thursday 20th of May
16:15 - 19:00
Workshop 11: Migration, diaspora and transnational
entrepreneurship – connecting contexts internationally.
Maria Elo, Susanne Sandberg & Per Servais Friday 21st of May
10:15 - 12:15
Workshop 12: Can we still learn something from the
Born Global/International New Venture classics?
Tage Koed Madsen Friday 21st of May
13:15 - 15:15
Workshop 13: Latin-America IE. Oscar Javier Montiel Mendez, Argentina Soto & Salvatore Tomaselli Thursday 20th of May
17:15 - 19:00

We will add more workshop topics ongoingly.
Registration for workshops, including the role you wish to play (contributor or discussion participant). Deadline: 14th of May 2021
There is no registration fee;

We look forward to seeing you all in 2021 and hope that you are all in good health.

Best wishes,

Martin Hannibal

Erik S. Rasmussen

Eva Devantier

The workshop takes place entirely digitally

We will keep you posted on any chenges. If you are registrered you will be notified via e-mail.



Detailed program

read here

Conference kit

Read here

Track Proposals

Read here

See also

Last Updated 06.03.2024