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Research support

Clinical Genome Center

The Clinical Genome Center (CGC) is a core facility for genomic analysis granted by OUH/SDU. CGC are striving to keep the pace with the development of newest technologies, for the increasing number of users at CGC.

In 2024 CGC will update the prices for services. CGC will continue to fully support researchers offering consultancy regarding project and experiment planning, grant applications, and obtaining relevant permissions. The CGC will continue to subsidize part of the lab technician salaries. Bioinformatic salary will only be partly subsidized by the center in the upcoming year. Projects not financed by OUH/SDU accounts, will be charged the full price for data and laboratory analysis. Furthermore, bioinformatic support for the analysis of data generated outside our lab will also be charged the full price. These actions are necessary to offer service for all incoming projects.

Further information

To check for services visit CGC's website

For contact write to, or to project coordinator Maja (

Editing was completed: 19.12.2023