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About the department

Key figures

We update our key figures for the number of employees and publications twice a year. You can find the latest key figures here.

Key figures

PhD students: 147

Postdoc/assistant professor: 34

Part-time lecturer: 56

Associate professors and clinical associate professors: 85

Professors and clinical professors: 53

Other*: 7

In total: 382


Adjunct professors: 28


In total - employees and adjunct professors: 410


*Administrative staffs, head of department, etc.


Employees and adjunct professors - Department of Regional Health Research 2007-2024

The bar chart shows the number of employees and adjuncts at IRS from 2007 to 2024. In 2007, there were around 25 employees, and the number has steadily increased each year. By 2013, the number reached around 175, and by 2018 it exceeded 300. In 2023, the number reached 400, and in 2024 it is expected to be just over 425. The chart illustrates a significant growth in the number of employees and adjuncts over the period.


The bar chart shows the distribution of men (M) and women (K) per job category in IRS in 2024. The PhD student category has 103 women and 44 men. The Postdoc & assistant professor category has 26 women and 8 men. The Lecturer - teaching category has 25 women and 31 men. The Lecturer category has 45 women and 40 men. The Professors category has 19 women and 34 men. The Other* category has 5 women and 2 men. The Adjuncts category has 11 women and 17 men. The chart shows a predominance of women in the PhD students and lecturer categories, while men are predominant among professors and adjuncts.

A bar chart displaying the gender distribution (M/F) at IRS in 2024. The chart features two bars, with the first bar (red) representing women (F) with a value of 234, and the second bar (green) representing men (M) with a value of 176. The Y-axis shows the count from 0 to 250

The treemap chart shows the distribution of employees at IRS in 2024 by job category. The largest category is PhD students with 147 individuals. Clinical lecturers/lecturers follow with 85 individuals. Clinical/external/coordinating lecturers in teaching have 56 individuals. Clinical professors/professors make up 53 individuals. Postdocs/assistant professors have 34 individuals, and adjunct lecturers/professors have 28 individuals. The Other category (administrative staff, institute leaders) has 7 individuals.

The bar chart shows the number of peer-reviewed publications at IRS from 2017 to 2024. In 2017, there were 690 publications, in 2018 there were 735, in 2019 there were 740, in 2020 there were 826, in 2021 there were 826, in 2022 there were 859, and in 2023 there were 857. By June 1, 2024, there were 328 publications recorded. The chart shows a general upward trend in the number of publications

A pie chart showing publications from IRS in 2023. The chart is divided into two segments: Region of Southern Denmark and Region Zealand and the Capital Region. The segment for the Region of Southern Denmark (75%) is shown in a lighter green, while the segment for Region Zealand and the Capital Region is shown in a darker green.

Last Updated 27.07.2024