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About the department

Committees etc.

From January 2022, the IRS Leadership team, including administrative personnel and two PhD students, constitutes the IRS Department Council.

An exemption has been granted regarding the number of members in the group.

The head of department and the  institute director and vice head of department form the chairmanship of the department council.

IRS is led by the head of department. The head of deparment and the IRS Leadership Team, mandated by the dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences and respective hospital managements, ensure that the department supports research and education in regional hospitals/units primarily in the Region of Southern Denmark and the Region of Zealand.

The department is organized and led based on close collaboration with hospitals.

The IRS Leadership Team consists of the head of department and representatives from each of the associated hospitals.

IRS Leadership team

IRS is represented in the Gender Equality Council at the Faculty of Health Sciences, where Kim Houlind serves as the vice-chairperson. Associate Professor Helene Skjøt-Arkil is the alternate member.

Learn more about the Gender Equality Council at SUND 

IRS strategically works on research development, which includes participation in research councils in various contexts.

The Regional Strategic Research Council in Region of Southern Denmark

Head of Department Kim Houlind and representatives from all hospitals are members of the Regional Strategic Research Council in Region of Southern Denmark.

Local Research Councils

Head of Department Kim Houlind is also a permanent member of the research councils at Esbjerg and Grindsted Hospitals, Hospital Sønderjylland, and Næstved, Slagelse, and Ringsted hospitals.

OUH's Research Council

IRS is represented in OUH's Research Council by head of department Kim Houlind.

IRS is represented in the following councils and steering committees:

Steering Committee for OPEN

Steering Committee for the GCP Unit

Steering Committee for BRIDGE

Strategy Council for Psychiatric Research - Region of Southern Denmark

Last Updated 27.07.2024