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About the department

Peer Review Visits

We are working on developing and showcasing research profiles both as hospitals and as a department.

The goal is to create a profile that can help differentiate and target communication to various stakeholders, both as a department and as hospitals. Therefore, at IRS, we have initiated a development process where each hospital creates a distinct profile for its overall research environment. The process of developing a clear profile is based on a traditional peer review approach.

The peer review takes place in the form of a two-hour digital meeting, with the coordinating head of research for the respective hospital as the host. During the meeting, coordinating heads of research from two other hospitals, as well as the head of department, provide feedback and engage in discussions about the research profile prepared by the host of the visit.

The purpose of the development process is to highlight the unique attributes and activities related to the core tasks of research and education, on which the hospitals can build their profiles.

Future Work

After the meeting, the head of department writes a report, which the host comments on and engages in a dialogue about until the profile is finalized.

The plan is that once all hospitals have completed the round of visits, the head of department will summarize the profiles and present them to the overall leadership team.

The results will also be presented to the faculty.

The profiles will continue to evolve over time and will be updated accordingly.

Last Updated 19.10.2023