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Industry of the future – Growth through digitalisation and automation

How may the Mads Clausen Institute (MCI) help you and your business?  Find the answer on Friday 2 November when the "Industry of the future-digitalisation and automation for your company" event is taking place from 12.00-16.00.  Here, the institute will introduce you to new possibilities in digitalisation and automation. 

It is indeed an obvious possibility of getting inspired. Good industrial examples will be presented of enterprises that have collaborated successfully with SDU on integrating new systems and thus have strengthened their competitiveness.

You will have the opportunity to talk to researchers from MCI and Centre for Industrial Electronics (CIE). The researchers will demonstrate their competences and tell how they can support exactly you and your business. Furthermore, they will present latest progress in the field in order for you and your business to reach the next level of digitalisation and automation. During the event, guided Alsion tours will be offered for you to see laboratories and state-of-art equipment. 

Editing was completed: 01.10.2018