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First meeting in GEAR:DK

A new professional community for gender equality workers at the Danish universities has been established under the name GEAR:DK. The network had its first meeting at SDU.

SDU is among the initiators of a new network of people working strategically and practically with gender equality at the Danish universities.

The network is called GEAR:DK, Gender Equality in Academia and Research in Denmark.

GEAR:DK is a professional community with focus on knowledge and experience sharing across the universities. Focus is particularly on the practical aspects of gender equality work, and the network's purpose is to strengthen the gender equality efforts across the Danish universities. GEAR:DK is organized as a network under the universities' unit of collaboration, AEU.

SDU hosted the network's first meeting on October 12th 2017, and the meeting's agenda was primarily devoted to the members spending time getting to know each other and constituting the network.  On the agenda was also an inspiring presentation by the Norwegian KIF-committee, a committee appointed by the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research that has focused on gender and diversity in the research sector since 2004. Eva Skærbæk, a former Danish member of the committee, provided comments and perspectives on the Norwegian committee's presentation.

In the future, GEAR:DK will meet annually. The next meeting is in June 2018, and is scheduled as a two-day seminar in Fredericia. The program and more information (in Danish) is available on GEAR:DK's website.

Editing was completed: 12.10.2017