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SDU's new Gender Statistics database is now available

With the approval of the Executive Board, SDU's new Gender Statistics database is now available to all employees. With assistance from colleauges from Financial Services and Human Ressource Services, SDU's Gender Equality Team, GET, is behind the establishment of the new database.

The database provides an important overview of SDU's current gender equality sitaution, including representation of men and women in the various academic and leadership positions. A sound databaseline is a crucial point of departure in order to be able to identify not only challenging areas but also positive developments.

The Gender Statistics database includes gender aggregated information on, among other things, the number of qualified applicants for SDU's academic positions, leadership distribution and composition of assessment committees. Data is available on both faculty- and department level, and users can export data to Excel for further processeing.

GET has developed the database in close collaboration with colleagues from Financial Services and Human Ressource Services, Additionally, GET has gathered data requests from key users at SDU's five faculities, including from the local gender equality committess. GET offers all interested users guidance in how to use the database.

The further development of SDU's Gender Statistics database is ongoing with supplementing quantitiative and - eventally - also qualitiative data sources.

All employees can access SDU's Gender Statistics database in Danish here (requires log-in and connection to SDU's intranet) under the category "Nøgletal" (key figures).

Editing was completed: 01.05.2018