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Gender equality and leadership in the Nordic research sector

In November 2017, SDU's Gender Equality Team participated in the conference "Creating a competitive edge through diversity – leadership for Nordic research excellence towards 2030" in Oslo.

The conference was organised by the Norwegian KiF-committee

The participants shared Nordic experiences and in particular reflections related to the so-called Nordic paradox: despite a general and continuously high ranking on various international gender equality indexes, the Nordic countries are still lagging behind when it comes to gender equality in the university- and research sector.

The conference programme included presentations and insights from rectors, ministries and professor, and they all helped qualify the following debates and dialogues.

SDU's Gender Equality Team's team leader Eva Sophia Myers participated on the panel debate on "Nordic Experiences".

Following the conference, the KIF-committee has published a policy brief with recommendations on how gender equality challenges in the university- and research sector can be addressed.

Editing was completed: 08.11.2017