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Policy for protection of personal data

Which data does the Library store about you, and what are they used for?

Everybody can become a borrower at the University Library of Southern Denmark.

As a student at SDU, you will become a borrower automatically, since students’ use of the library supports education and learning. Your personal data will be collected from the administrative system of the studies at SDU (STADS), and will be treated as confidential.

As an SDU employee, you will become a borrower automatically, since use of the library supports research and lecturing. Your personal data will be collected via IT Service from Buanco (the system behind your employee card), HR, and AD (Microsoft Active Directory).

If you are not connected with SDU, you will need to register as a borrower. See the Library’s page on our borrowing rules.


Which data do we collect, and what do we use them for?

CPR number: We use this partly for unequivocal identification, and partly as an identification for those users who use their health insurance card as a library card. The CPR number is also used when we need to collect information on addresses from the central CPR register.

Name: We need to know this to identify you. We use it if we need to send you a letter.

Address: We need to know this to identify you. We use it if we need to send you a letter.

Email: This is necessary, as we email you when you can pick up materials or when they must be returned.

Telephone number: It is your decision whether you want the Library to know your phone number. If we know it, we can use it to contact you.

Pick-up location: This tells us only where you want to pick up materials you have reserved.

ID:  An unequivocal identification number. For students and employees, this is the number on your study or employee card, with the number 5 added in front of it. If you have a library card, the number on the card is your ID number. If you register as a borrower via the Library’s web site, we assign a number to you.

Pin-code/Password: These are encrypted. The Library does not know your password. Students and employees use their SDU password. Other borrowers get a pin-code, which they can always change themselves on the Library’s home page.


Data registration when you borrow materials

We register your loans and reservations. When you return materials, we delete the information on your loan of them. We store information about your reservations until you borrow the material, delete the reservation, or until the last date you gave as your term of interest. Data on loans of materials from other libraries (through this library) will be stored for thirty days after the loan has been returned.

We store information on fees and bills. Information on fees will be deleted when they are paid. Both paid and unpaid transactions will be stored as part of the information on your relations with the University Library of Southern Denmark.


For how long will you be a borrower?

As a student, you will be a borrower until you end your connection to the University. After that you will become a private borrower.

As an employee, you will be a borrower until you end your connection to the University. After that you will become a private borrower.

The data on private borrowers will be deleted when they have not used their library card for at least three and at most four years.

In cases where a bill has not been paid, the data will not be deleted.

We pass personal data on to other state authorities when we have the right or the duty to do so, e.g. for the recovery of fees and compensations. We also deliver data to companies who analyse them for us, e.g. in connection with measuring impact.


24/7 Access

The library is open for self-service beyond the usual opening hours at most of our locations. Here, SDU students and employees can enter by using their study or employee cards. The library does not have access to data that show who has logged in. These personal data can only be accessed if the police become involved in a situation. The Library has video surveillance, and these recordings can only be accessed if the police have to be involved. 


Use of e-materials

You get access to the Library’s electronic materials via your login and password. All data on access will be logged by both the data provider and the Library. We use these data for statistics and take care that they are not abused.


Participation in courses, booking of equipment

When you participate in a course that the Library has arranged, you may be registered as a participant. In these cases, there will be a disclaimer attached to your registration.

When you book equipment, all personal information will be deleted after eight months.


Your rights

The University of Southern Denmark is responsible for data, and can be contacted here: email

or the phone number 65501000. You can get advice from SDU’s advisor on data protection by contacting

You have the right to know about the personal information that we collect about you. In some cases, you have the right to object to our otherwise legal use of your personal information. You have the right to rectify your personal information or request that we limit our use of it.

If you ask us to delete the personal information that we have collected about you, we will do so. Please notice that in some cases, your data may be required for determining legal claims, or if we need them in order to answer your enquiries.


Requests for information

If you want to be informed about the data we have on you, please contact .


Complaints to the Danish Data Protection Agency

You have the right to complain to the Danish Data Protection Agency if you are dissatisfied with our handling of your data. You can find more information on this page:  or contact Datatilsynet, Borgergade 28, 5. sal, 1300 København K. Phone +45 33193200, e-mail

Last Updated 06.05.2024