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Regional strengths and collaboration with industry

At Campus Odense 800 researchers and nearly 25.000 students every day work on advancing knowledge through research and education. Known as the birthplace of Danish fairy tale writer Hans Christian Andersen, Odense is a city which invites you into a world of adventure, fantasy and wonder. Campus Sønderborg has a strong focus on Engineering and is a power centre for research in mechatronics, electronics, microtechnology, technology, entrepreneurship and innovation. The campus has state-of-the-art facilities like acoustics lab, cryomagnetic lab, cleanroom facilities and cyber-physical systems lab.

Collaboration with industries

A hallmark of SDU is the close relationship and collaboration with regional industries. SDU is dedicated to creating value for society, and industry relies heavily on SDU to educate the engineers and scientist so greatly in demand in a region in rapid growth.

Many students find interesting and challenging student jobs or internships in local industry during their studies and have a large array of job opportunities after graduation.

In Sønderborg the university and the local business community are closely linked, resulting in education aligned with demand from both local and international companies. Researchers work with the industry on a wide range of projects with companies like Danfoss, Linak, Lodam, Ecco and many other high-tech companies.

Robotics, automation and Industry 4.0

One field which is particularly strong in the region and undergoing rapid growth and development is the robotics and automation industry, and to date, the robotic and automation industry in Odense has grown exponentially with more than 120 companies and 3200 jobs.

Much of this development can be attributed to SDUs experience and success with and integration of robotic systems in e.g. hospitals and production facilities. Also, SDU established the first MSc degree programme in drone technology in Northern Europe. Moreover, over the last 25 years a number of successful spinoff companies from SDU have established successful businesses in the region, one of the more well-know is Universal Robots.

A testimony to the university’s strength in robotics is the win in the 2018 World Robot Challenge which demonstrates that SDU, both nationally and internationally, is at the forefront in robotics.

To support the development many regional public and private players strive to advance the robotics and automation agenda, one of which is Odense Robotics.

Odense Robotics is the collective term for the high-tech ecosystem consisting of robot and automation companies, suppliers, education and research facilities, investment capital and public actors in and around the city of Odense, Denmark.

This cluster of robotic technologies fosters innovation from creative conception to industrial production. Being part of this ecosystem offers ambitious technology companies prime conditions for Growth.

Join SDU Summer School and experience a university that strives to be at the forefront of research and innovation relevant to both local and international society and industry.

Last Updated 15.08.2024