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SIVSCE - Social Inclusion and Volunteering in Sports Clubs in Europe

Social inclusion through volunteering

Nichols, G. & Ralston R.


Social inclusion through volunteering – a potential legacy of the 2012 Olympic Games.

Considerations of Olympic Games’ legacies have focused on economic benefits, with little consideration given to the potential legacy from the substantial number of volunteers involved. This paper examines the experiences of volunteers in a programme established as a legacy of the 2002 Commonwealth Games. Its results challenge the dominant social inclusion discourse in showing that volunteering provides social inclusion benefits beyond employability by enriching volunteers’ lives and empowering them to make new choices. Recognising and valuing this would enable ‘social inclusion’ programmes promoting volunteering at major events, such as the 2012 Olympics, to broaden their objectives.

Full reference
Nichols, G. & Ralston R. (2011). Social inclusion through volunteering – a potential legacy of the 2012 Olympic Games. Sociology. 45 (5) 900-914.


Language of article

Last Updated 19.10.2023