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SIVSCE - Social Inclusion and Volunteering in Sports Clubs in Europe

European SIVSCE conference

On 28th September, the SIVSCE research project organized a European conference in Brussels: ‘Social Inclusion and Volunteering in Sports Clubs in Europe’. The conference was a part of the European Week of Sports.

At the conference, the results of the research project were presented and discussed. Furthermore, the conference included speeches from Yves Le Lostecque, Head of Sports Unit European Commission, and Gabriella Civico, director of European Volunteer Center.

Here you can read the conference program.

About 50 had registered for the conference, of which almost 40 showed up. In addition to members of the research group, there were participants from European Commission DG Education and Culture, European Volunteer Center, ENGSO – European Non-Governmental Sports Organisation, World Sports Movement, several sports organisations and participants from more than ten countries in Europe.

The presentations at the conference can be found here:


Editing was completed: 04.10.2017