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SIVSCE - Social Inclusion and Volunteering in Sports Clubs in Europe

‘Quick Facts for Sports Clubs’

Five booklets with selected findings from the SIVSCE-Project: Social inclusion and volunteering in sports clubs in Europe.

Dirk Steinbach, DOSB Leadership Academy, Germany
Karsten Elmose-Østerlund, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark


‘Quick Facts for Sports Clubs’ is a series of five short and easy to read booklets which are designed to present the most important findings of the “SIVSCE-Project” to sport organisations and other interested in Europe. The purpose is to give clubs and federations a quick overview of the gained insights, and highlight the most relevant points for the sports sector.

The first Quick Facts provides a short introduction to the project. This includes information on the organisational background, theoretical framework and main research interest.
Quick Facts for Sports Clubs No 1 (pdf)

The second Quick Facts give a short overview of volunteer demographics and characteristics in sports clubs in Europe. The question to be answered is: who volunteers and how?
Quick Facts for Sports Clubs No 2 (pdf)

The third Quick Facts are about the integration of selected target groups in the sports club, or in other words about the question of whether sports clubs are actually open to all population groups.
Quick Facts for Sports Clubs No 3 (pdf)

In the fourth Quick Facts the focus is not simply placed on formal membership of selected target groups but on the qualitative aspects of the affiliation with the clubs: How well are the members integrated?
Quick Facts for Sports Clubs No 4 (pdf)

In the fifth and last Quick Facts the focus is on volunteer management in sports clubs in Europe. Which measures and strategies sports clubs take to recruit and retain volunteers, and whether some of these strategies are more successful than others.
Quick Facts for Sports Clubs No 5 (pdf)

The description in each of the five Quick Facts deliberately follows the principles of clear language and systematic presentation and limits itself to only the most important aspects and insights.

Photo: Brian Nonbo/Dansk Firmaidrætsforbund

Editing was completed: 26.09.2017