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New research paper

New research paper: Infections increase the risk of liver-related complications

FLASH researchers have just published a study on the negative prognostic impact of infections in patients with early stages of alcohol-related liver disease.

It is well known that patients with cirrhosis who already have a weakened immune system are at increased risk of developing infections. 
Researchers from FLASH are the first to show in a recently published paper, that even patients with an early and yet unrecognized stage of alcohol-related liver disease frequently develop infections and that this increases their risk of later liver-related complications and death.
More precisely, the patients' risk of liver-related complications became five times higher, while they had an eight times higher risk of death if they had an infection during the nearly five years the patients were followed.


The research paper has just been published in JHEP Reports and can be found here:
Link to paper

Editing was completed: 22.02.2024