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FLASH represented at the ATLAS Symposium

ATLAS, The Center for Functional Genomics and Tissue Plasticity, hosted a symposium at Hindsgavl Castle where FLASH was represented as a partner, chair of session and by a poster.

From the 30th of June till the 1st of July six scientists from FLASH attended the ATLAS Symposium 2019 at Hindsgavl Castle. The overarching theme of the sessions at the symposia was obesity where studies of adipocyte- and hepatic-cell signaling and cross-talk was presented.


At the poster session during the 1st day, FLASH was represented by Charlotte Wernberg, who presented findings from a study of MRI quantification of hepatic fat done at Sydvestjysk Sygehus.


The afternoon of the 2nd day was spent with a Park Session in the beautiful garden of Hindsgavl. Here topics such as Precision Medicine and hepatocellular cross-talk was discussed between researchers of all levels.


ATLAS is a research center based at SDU funded by the Danish National Research Foundation where FLASH participate as the clinical partner. The overarching aim of the Center for Functional Genomics and Tissue Plasticity (ATLAS) is to obtain systems-level, mechanistic and cell type-resolved understanding of adipose and hepatic tissue plasticity in response to diet-induced obesity and regression; and to translate this for in-depth understanding of the functional changes in human adipose and hepatic tissues in response to severe obesity and reversal following bariatric surgery.


Read more about ATLAS here


Participants at ATLAS seminar

Editing was completed: 04.07.2019