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Birte Wassenberg


My interests in European border regions stems from my own personal and professional experience in this field. As a Franco-German citizen living in Germany and working in France, I have been employed by the Region Alsace for more than 10 years as a civil servant responsible for cross-border cooperation. I have therefore developed a high sensitivity towards cross-border living spaces and this has motivated me to develop teaching and research on Border Studies ever since. In my current position as professor in contemporary history specialized in European Studies at the University of Strasbourg, I have a particular interest in analyzing the role of borders in European integration. My research on Euroscepticism has led me to question the attitude of borderlanders on the process of European integration and my main motivation to join B-SHAPES is the possibility to investigate in a comparative manner the (possibly) Eurosceptic opinions in European border regions.

Last Updated 20.12.2023