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Martin Guillermo

Martin Guillermo

Martín Guillermo Ramirez is Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery, Master in Humanitarian Medicine and expert in international cooperation and relations with more than three decades of experience. He worked in youth organizations (1989-1995) and then in the Regional Government of Extremadura (Spain) in the scopes of cooperation for development, international relations and health and welfare policies (1995-2006). Since 2006 he has been the Secretary General of the Association of European Border Regions (AEBR/ARFE/AGEG), one of the oldest associations of regions in Europe (founded in 1971). AEBR represents the interests of European border and cross-border regions towards EU institutions, national authorities, and other bodies, promotes capacity building, strategic development and public policies to overcome cross-border obstacles; and also fosters the relationship with cross-border processes in other continents to exchange experiences and best practices.

A key non-academic partner, the Association of European Border Regions (AEBR)is the leading association of European border and cross-border regions in Europe. It was created in 1971 with a clear aim of promoting cross-border cooperation as a basic cement of European integration. AEBR works closely with European institutions, with regular contacts to discuss cross-border issues, propose and launch new initiatives. It has a long-standing experience of successful, impact-oriented communication with policymakers at border-regional, national and European level and will be the facilitator and multiplicator of B-SHAPES dissemination activities in this regard. Furthermore, AEBR will support the involvement of youth in B-SHAPES’ research activities.

Last Updated 20.12.2023