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Pierrick Bruyas

Pierrick UNISTRA

I joined B-Shapes in September 2023 as a postdoctoral researcher. I have always included borders and “border regions” in my research, but probably in a different way than most other researchers from the B-Shapes consortium because my main focus so far has been on European Union Law. I completed PhD in EU Law at Strasbourg university, with a thesis entitled “The Multilingualism of the European Union – Unravelling the Underlying Principles of European Integration”. Joining B-Shapes meant travelling on a broader road than before, because my work in Working Package 3 (Euroscepticism and Border Regions) requires a wide scope of social sciences skills. It is also very stimulating to join a diverse team and to work under the supervision of a historian! The best way of understanding the crossing of borders is probably by experiencing it, which is why I am currently working in Strasbourg and in Aarhus where I got invited as a guest researcher.

Last Updated 20.12.2023