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B-SHAPES Annual Consortium Meeting: 20-21 March 2024, Budapest

  Billedcollage fra det årlige møde d. 20.-21. marts 2024 i Budapest

The third consortium meeting of the B-SHAPES project took place in Budapest, and the date of the assembly also marked a year since the project’s beginning. The meeting was quite insightful and a great opportunity to catch up on the progress every work package has made so far. B-SHAPES is indeed starting to take shape! Every work package reported that everything is going according to the schedule – which was very satisfying to hear! The creation of the conceptual framework is in its final stages, and the partners involved in the research on euroscepticism in border regions, minorities’ perception of the project, and presenting border landscape as heritage are deep into their work. The development done in those Work Packages means that this is also the time for Work Package 6 ‘Policy and governance: integrating perceptions of borderland citizens into responsive policymaking’ to begin its activities. The second day of the assembly was focused on workshops, where the work packages could discuss their progress and plans for the future. Additionally, the general assembly discussed the ethics of the project, our data management plan, and the Gender Equality Committee has also presented their strategy. We had the opportunity to meet Zsuzsanna Simits, who will be responsible for creating a documentary film on the research and border walks that our partners plan. And it was greatly inspiring to hear about all of the art projects Lungomare is working on. Thank you to everyone involved in the project for the great work you have done so far! And thank you to the host of the meeting, one of the projects’ partners: Eötvös Loránd University International (ELTE). B-SHAPES is a Horizon Europe research and innovation action project funded by the European Union.

Last Updated 08.10.2024