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Centre for Law, Sustainability & Justice
Lars H. Knudsen

Karin Buhmann is professor and head of Centre for Law, Sustainability & Justice. Her projects at CLS&J involve research on (a) comparative insights on regulatory strategies for handling the climate crisis and the health crisis caused  by the COVID-19 pandemic and (b) the role of the Business and Human Rights regime for sustainable finance.

She also  has a strong interest in climate justice, energy justice, arctic sustainability issues, transnational governance, risk-based  due diligence and business responsibilities for human rights, and she has published widely on those topics in  international and Nordic journals, edited publications and monographs.

Find more details on Karin’s expertise, research and publications
Photo by Lars H. Knudsen

Jingjing Wu

Jingjing Wu is a postdoc fellow at the Centre for Law, Sustainability & Justice. Her main project at CLS&J focuses on Rights of Nature, especially its legal, philosophical, and social foundation and impact in the European context. She is generally interested in the role of law in promoting sustainability and social justice.

Her research interests and publication cover a wide range of topics such as international environmental law, transnational environmental governance, Rights of Nature, international human rights law, international treaties, legal argumentation and legal reasoning, international legal theory, and legal philosophy.

Find more details on Jing's expertise, research and publications



Last Updated 27.07.2024