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The population of Europe is ageing, and the process is continuing. Until 2060, it is expected that the proportion aged 80+ will double, and the ratio of labor market active to retired will drop from 2:1 to 1:1. Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) is an interview based survey aiming at producing high quality survey data on the ageing Europe, including health, economy, saving, retirement etc. These data have been collected in 7 bi-annual waves from 2004 in up to 28 European countries. Wave 8 is under collection (2019-2020), while wave 9 and 10 are collected in 2021-2022 and 2023-2024 respectively.

At present (February 2020), SHARE consists of more than 140,000 interviews. These data are free for use for all researchers and easily accessible from the European SHARE homepage (see below).

The Danish SHARE data collection is anchored on Department of Business and Economics at SDU.


REGLINK-SHAREDK is a data infrastructure, where the Danish SHARE data are merged with Danish register data to allow a unique source where subjective information is merged with objective register data. The data infrastructure is established by a consortium of six Danish universities (the universities of Southern Denmark, Aarhus, Copenhagen, Aalborg, Roskilde, and Copenhagen Business School).

People at SHARE-DK

  • Professor Jørgen T. Lauridsen is leader of the Danish SHARE and REGLINK-SHAREDK
  • Clinical Professor and MD Karen Andersen-Ranberg is Health Area Coordinator and Biobank Director for the European SHARE
  • Astrid Roll Vitved is operator and research assistant on the Danish SHARE and REGLINK-SHAREDK

Links and further information

The European SHARE official homepage

The Danish SHARE and REGLINK-SHAREDK homepage


Last Updated 21.02.2024