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Econometrics and Economic History

|  2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 

December 20

Eline Poelmans HUB Brussels. Abbey or multinational? An economic history of beer and an overview of the main changes in the global beer industry since 1950

November 22

Valentino Larcinese LSE. Enfranchisement and Representation: Italy 1909-1913

November 20

Omer Moav Warwick University. Transparency and Institutions

November 2

Pedro Rosa Dias Equalising opportunities in health through educational policy

November 1

Kerstin Enflo Lund University. Locomotives of Local Growth: the Swedish Railroad Network as a Quasi-Natural Experiment, 1856-1890

October 30

Karl Gunnar Persson University of Copenhagen. Winners and Losers from Globalization: Why both European and US Farmers were angry in the Grain Invasion era, 1870-1900

October 25

Nicholas Crafts University of Warwick. Rearmament to the Rescue? New Estimates of the Impact of ‘Keynesian’ Policies in 1930s’ Britain

October 23

Giovanni Federico European University Institute. World trade 1800-1938

October 11

Peter Meyer US Bureau of Labor Statistics. The airplane as an open source invention

October 4

Chris Meissner UC Davis. Market Potential and Economic Performance in the Early 20th Century

May 24

Stéphanie Collet Free University of Brussels. A unified Italy? Sovereign debt and investor scepticism

May 24

David Cesarini Genetic Architecture Preference

May 23

Peter Zweifel Double crowding-out effects of means-tested public provision of long-term care

May 10 

Marc Klemp University of Copenhagen. Malthus in the Bedroom: Birth Spacing as a Preventive Check Mechanism in Pre-Transition England

May 9

Ulf Gerdtham Do socioeconomic factors really explain the income gradient in health?

April 26

Alec Morton Healthcare prioritisation in good times and bad

April 24

Mandy Ryan Using Discrete Choice Experiments to Inform Economics Research

April 19

Bent Sørensen Roskilde University Center. Danish Energy History, Population and (missing) Statistical Data

April 11

Margit Payton New public management in healthcare

March 29

Kristian Hansen London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. Fighting Malaria – an overview of the main issues with focus on economics

March 23

Gavin Money Looking at the health economics of the planet

March 8

Kerstin Enflo Lund University. Patents and technical change during the Industrial Revolution: A new time series perspective

February  28

Sverre Kittelsen Decomposing the productivity differences between hopsitals in the Nordic Countries

February 23

Toke Aidt University of Cambridge. Democratization under the threat of revolution: Evidence from the Great Reform Act of 1832

February 9

Markus Lampe Universidad Carlos III Madrid. Accounting for the Success of the Danish Dairy Industry: The Spread and Development of Best Practice in Bookkeeping in the Late Nineteenth Century

January  26

Jan Abel Olsen Priority preferences on patients' age, severity and health gains

Last Updated 27.07.2024