The section is headed by Professor Christian Godballe (scientific responsible) and Associate Professor Kristine Bjørndal (clinical responsible). The permanent core of the group includes nine head-and-neck-surgery specialists of whom one is a professor, three are associate professors and five hold a PhD.
The main research areas are salivary gland cancer, thyroid cancer, visualization techniques for the detection of the parathyroid glands before and during thyroid- and parathyroid surgery, and the use of PET/CT and PET/MR in head and neck cancer diagnostics and treatment. PhD students and postdocs provide valuable input the groups research.
We improve diagnostic procedures and treatment strategies in the field of head-and-neck surgery by national databases and prospective research projects of high international standard. Our research contributes to the development of national and international guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of patients with head and neck cancer and benign head-and-neck diseases. We aim to improve the Danish Head and Neck Cancer Fast Track Programme with our research. In fact we host the chairmen of the Danish national guidelines for salivary gland cancer and thyroid cancer.
Our teaching to medical students and upcoming specialists in ENT Head & Neck Surgery is evidence-based. It is part of our strategy to have at least five PhD projects ‘in steady state’ and more if funding permits it at all times.