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Visiting researchers


POLIMA welcomes visiting researchers for shorter or longer stays. We believe that in-person collaborations are inspiring, can expand collaborations and  can accelerate progress on collaborative work. 

Please find below a list of  POLIMAs visiting researchers


  • Javier García de Abajo (ICFO, Spain) visiting Professor (December 13-15 2023)
  • Antonio I. Fernández Domínguez (UAM, Spain) visiting Professor (December 12-15 2023)
  • Saskia Fiedler (AMOLF, the Netherlands) visiting postdoc (November 30-December 6 2023)
  • Rasmus Ellebæk Christiansen (Technical University of Denmark) visiting associate professor (November  9 2023)
  • Rui Dias (University of Minho) visiting researcher (October 11-13 2023)
  • Ioannis Stefanou (University of Athens) visiting researcher (October 4-5 2023)
  • Fadil Iyikanat  (ICFO - The Institute of Photonic Sciences) visiting postdoc(August 13-15 2023)
  • Jacob Terndrup Heiden (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea),visiting PhD student (August 17-September 8 2023)
  • Alvaro Rodriguez Echarri (Max Born Institute, Germany), visiting postdoc (July 16-August 6 2023)
  • Fransesco Todisco (CNR Nanotec, Italy) visiting researcher (May 30-June 2 2023)
  • Zhipei Sun (Aalto University, Finland), visiting professor (April 12-14 2023)
  • Eduardo Dias and Catarina Ferreira (ICFO, Spain), visiting PhD students (March 23 2023)
  • Weijin Chen, Jianfeng Chen and Jiangang Feng (National University of Singapore, Singapore), visiting postdocs (March 20-28 2023)
  • Xuezhi Zheng  (KU Leuven, Belgium), visiting researcher (January 16-April 21 2023)
  • Nuno Peres (Physics Department of the University of Minho, Portugal), Adjunct Professor (5 months in2023 -2024 )
  • Alejandro Manjavacas (the Institute of Optics of the Spanish National Research Council, Spain), visiting Professor (31 Januar-1 February 2024)
  • Diego Rabelo da Costa (Department of Physics at the Federal University of Ceará in Fortaleza, Brazil) visiting Professor (1-9 February 2024)
  • Nahid Talebi (Institute for Experimental and Applied Physics, Kiel University, Germany), visiting Professor (1 -2 February 2024)
  • André Chaves (Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica, Brazil) visiting Professor (2 January -31 March 2024)
  • Thorsten Feichtner (Experimental Physics V, University of Wurzburg) visiting researcher (13-16 May 2024)
  • Daniel Miranda (Physics Department of the University of Minho, Portugal), visiting student (31 May-14 June 2024)
  • Álvaro Rodríguez Echarri (Theoretical Optics & Photonics, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) visiting postdoc (3-15 June 2024)
  • Javier Fernández-Martínez (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) visiting PhD student (3 June - 30 August 2024)
  • Joel Yang (Singapore University of Technology and Design) visiting Professor (15 June - 15 July 2024)
  • P. André D. Gonçalves (ICFO, Spain), visiting Postdoc(3-7 June 2024)
  • Robert Salzwedel (Theoretical Physics, Technische Universität Berlin) visiting researcher (5-6 July 2024)
  • Hiroshi Sugimoto (Kobe University) visiting Associate Professor (8 August 2024)


Last Updated 28.08.2024