Personal webpage of N. Asger Mortensen
Brief biography
I was in 2017 called by the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) to become a professor in the SDU Center for Nano Optics, while I am also holding a D-IAS Chair at the Danish Institute for Advanced Study. Prior to that I was a full professor at the Technical University of Denmark (faculty since 2004). My MSc (1998), PhD (2001), and Dr. Techn. (2006) academic degrees were awarded by the Technical University of Denmark, while my Dr. Scient. (2021) degree was obtained from University of Copenhagen.
Currently, my research in quantum plasmonics is supported by a personal grant from the VILLUM Investigator program, while I am also leading explorations of polariton phenomena within the DNRF Center of Excellence for polariton-driven light-matter interactions (POLIMA).