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QM attracts new outstanding scholars and promotes strong young capacities

Centre for Quantum Mathematics impressively gathers new top talents and simultaneously promotes promising young talents.

By Jane Jamshidi, , 10/4/2024

Centre for Quantum Mathematics has attracted a further three outstanding scholars. Associate Professor Matthias Wilhelm and Assistant Professors Apoorv Tiwari and Henry Kirveslahti has joined our ambitious team.

Promoted strong young capacities

Further, four of our extremely promising current young employees have received well deserved promotions. Assistant Professor Shan Shan and Assistant Professor Fabian Haiden have received promotions to Associate Professor. Dr. Konstantin Wernli and Dr. William Elbæk Mistegård have received promotions to Assistant Professor.

We are very proud of this impressive boost of faculty positions which will secure the continuing growth and prospering of the centre.


William Elbæk Mistegård, Fabian Haiden, Shan Shan & Konstantin Wernli


Research funding follows the talent

Both Matthias Wilhelm and Apoorv Tiwari are bringing a research group with them as they both have been awarded highly competitive Danish young research leader starting grants from respectively the Independent Research Fund Denmark (DFF) and VILLUMFONDEN.

The two newly promoted young talents Fabian Haiden and Konstantin Wernli have also both recently been awarded one of the prestigious DFF Sapere Aude grants from the Independent Research Fund Denmark.

QM now hosts a total of five grants for young research leaders to start their own research group from the Independent Research Fund Denmark (DFF) and VILLUMFONDEN, to whom we are very grateful for this opportunity for the young talents to secure foothold to advance their career; to secure education for the next generation of researchers in Quantum Mathematics; and not least to advance groundbreaking research results.

This collection of young research leader grants is particularly impressive when considering that QM was established less than five years ago. Due to substantial support from SDU and several of the large Danish, European and American research funding bodies, we are now approaching 50 strong international researchers at the centre.

Editing was completed: 04.10.2024