Guests at FNUG make presentations at FNUG Foundations
In September, two guest researchers from Germany will visit FNUG: Malte Michelsen, Science Staff at Institute of Science Education, Leibniz University Hannover, and Axel Langner, Science Staff at Institute of Chemistry Education, Justus Liebig University Giessen.
The two guest researchers are visiting FNUG for two days, where they are introduced to the research environment at the Centre, and they will make each a presentation at FNUG Foundations.
Malte Michelsens presentation:
"We clicked right away" - a digital learning environment for collaboration to observe and foster conceptional reconstruction.
You will find his abstract here
Axel Langner
Under the heading 'Stimulating Reflection Processes with an Eye-Gaze-Augmented Retrospective in Organic Chemistry', Axel Langner presents an exploratory study examining a differentiated instructional approach that uses eye-tracking technology to enhance students’ reflection on their scientific problem-solving processes. The potential of an eye-gaze-augmented retrospective to foster reflection processes has not yet been investigated. However, it may be a promising approach in domains with complex representations, such as science. You will find his abstract here