Seven partner teams from six countries collaborate in the InClass Project. The teams involved in the project are listed below:
1. Syddansk Universitet - Sonderborg, Denmark
2. Blue Ocean Robotics Aps - Odense, Denmark
3. Leuphana Universitat Luneburg - Luneburg, Germany
4. Universita Degli Studi Di Napoli Federico II - Napoli, Italy
5. Fundatia EOS - Educating for an Open Society - Timisoara, Romania
6. Cyprus Computer Society - Lefkosia, Cyprus
7. Valsts Izglitibas Satura Centrs - Riga, Latvia
The project also has a supportive advisory board with strong research background from different parts of the world:
- Jim Rottman, AccelPeople
- Elaine Short, Tufts University
- David Sirkin, Stanford University
- Mads Thorup Langelund, CIMT & University College Lillebelt
- Tetiana Stadnyk, Youth and Environment Europe (YEE)
- Jessica Wittbrock, Bildungsgarage