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Inaugural seminar

Inaugural seminar clinical professor Malene Grubbe Hildebrandt, Adjunct professor Gary Ulaner, and Adjunct professor Wolfgang Weber - May 31, 2024

"PET scans: lighting up the path in cancer diagnosis"

Time and date:

May 31, 2024, from 14:00 hrs. CEST


The U301 Auditorium
University of Southern Denmark (SDU)
Campusvej 55
DK-5000 Odense C


On the occasion of Malene Grubbe Hildebrandt’s appointment as a professor, along with Professors Gary Ulaner and Wolfgang Weber being affiliated as adjunct professors of Nuclear Medicine at the Research Unit of Nuclear Medicine, Department of Clinical Research, SDU, and at the Department of Nuclear Medicine, Odense University Hospital (OUH), the Faculty of Health Sciences cordially invites you to attend an inaugural seminar with the following program:

14.00-14.05: Introduction and welcome

Uffe Holmskov, Vice-Dean for Research and Innovation, Faculty of Health Sciences, SDU

14.05-14.35: “The path of PET diagnostics in cancer"

Malene Grubbe Hildebrandt, Professor, PhD, Department of Nuclear Medicine, OUH and Research Unit of Nuclear Medicine, Department of Clinical Research, SDU

14.35-15.05: “The clinical and patient impact of PET diagnostics in cancer"

Pernille Tine Jensen, Professor, Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Division of Gynecological Cancer Surgery, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus University

15.05-15.35: “Breast cancer: Targeted imaging for targeted therapy"

Professor Gary Ulaner, MD, PhD, FACNM James & Pamela Muzzy Endowed Chair in Molecular Imaging and Therapy, Director, Molecular Imaging and Therapy, Hoag Family Cancer Institute and University of Southern California, USA; adjunct professor, SDU

15.35-16.05: “Molecular imaging and targeted therapy for cancer – the concept of theranostics"

Professor Wolfgang Weber, Director, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Technical University of Munich (TUM), Klinikum Rechts der Isar (University Hospital of TUM), Germany; adjunct professor, SDU

16.05-16.15: Closing of the seminar


After the seminar, a reception will be held in the area in front of the Auditorium (“Skoven”).

The Faculty of Health Sciences would like to invite all interested persons to attend the seminar and the following reception.

If you wish to participate, we kindly ask you to register here no later than May 23, 2024.

For further information or questions, please contact administrative officer Charlotte Larsen by e-mail:

Best regards,
Uffe Holmskov
Vice-Dean for Research and Innovation

Driving directions

Parking on SDU Odense - SDU

Editing was completed: 29.05.2024