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Ethnographic study of the healthcare service

As part of the process evaluation of the VIPP-PUF method in the research project Infant Health, an ethnographic study of the healthcare service will be carried out, with particular focus on the possibilities and conditions of the healthcare service for being able to offer (major) preventive initiatives to families with infants.

There are great differences in the preventive services offered in municipal healthcare, and very little is known about how municipal healthcare best implements new methods.

In order to understand the possibilities and conditions of municipal healthcare for adopting new preventive services, this study explores:

  • The existing practices of healthcare services, such as how they are organised, their working practices and services for citizens

  • The experience gained by healthcare service providers in adopting the VIPP-PUF method and anchoring it in their range of services offered.

The study includes the perspectives of parents, community health nurses and leading community nurses across the 16 participating municipalities. A combination of qualitative methods such as participant observation of home visits, individual interviews and focus group interviews are used.

The study will take place in the period 2022–2026.

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Stine Kjaer Wehner

Process evaluation

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Last Updated 19.10.2023