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The Centre

Centre for Intervention Research in Health Promotion and Disease Prevention is based at the National Institute of Public Health in Copenhagen and is part of the Faculty of Health Sciences at the SDU.

The purpose of the Centre is to build up a scientific foundation for local interventions, especially in municipalities that have taken on the responsibility for a number of health promotion and disease prevention tasks following a comprehensive structural reform in 2007. The Centre studies and generates knowledge on the effect of intervention projects on different groups of the population in different contexts, and establishes the best means of implementing projects using available resources.

The Centre was established in early 2009 with a donation of DKK 100 million from TrygFonden. The donation was received by the research team following an invitation to tender, based on the submitted research programme, and an international peer review. TrygFonden donated another DKK 35 million in 2013.

In 2011 the Centre expanded by means of a donation from the Danish Cancer Society of DKK 31 million. The donation was received on the basis of an international peer review of the submitted research programme. In 2016 the Centre received another donation of DKK 35 million from the Danish Cancer Society.

The Centre has received donations of DKK 12 million and DKK 10 million  from Nordea-fonden.

Last Updated 15.08.2023