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Centre for Intervention Research in Health Promotion and Disease Prevention is headed by Morten Grønbæk, Director of the National Institute of Public Health (NIPH) in Copenhagen. The research management also includes Anna Paldam Folker, Research chief at NIPH and Anne Illemann Christensen, Research chief at NIPH.

The Centre has an organisational structure with a Centre Core that ensures coordination, cooperation, and synergy across projects, and accumulates interdisciplinary experiences on the effect and implementation of interventions with a view to developing further theory and method-based research. The Centre Core also ensures continual contact with stakeholders and the dissemination of new knowledge to the research and health promotion communities in Denmark.

The Centre has an advisory Steering Group with national, regional and local stakeholders. The members are representatives from TrygFonden, The Danish Cancer Society, Nordea-fonden, The Ministry of Health, the National Board of Health, Local Government Denmark, Danish Regions, the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Southern Denmark, and at the National Institute of Public Health, SDU.


Last Updated 15.08.2023