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The master’s degree programme in Health Science

The master’s degree programme in Health Science presents new perspectives on health and illness that can contribute to improving the quality and efficiency of the healthcare system.

You can earn your master’s degree at SDU in Odense; the programme is organised as a two-year full-time study.

Become a key player in the health sector

The programme is tailored to meet the demand for specialised skills. You will therefore gain advanced skills and theoretical understanding, both of which are essential for addressing health challenges in an innovative way.

Whether you want to immerse yourself in research, assume management responsibilities or contribute to societal health development, the programme allows you to become a key player in the healthcare system.

Integrated knowledge and holistic understanding

The master’s programme in Health Science for working professionals emphasises integrating knowledge from various scientific disciplines such as health sciences, humanities and social sciences.

The programme also focuses on analysing and understanding different perspectives, experiences and needs of both patients and users of healthcare, as well as societal perspectives.

This means you will be trained to not only look at health from an individual perspective, but also to understand the bigger picture of health and illness in society. This will strengthen your ability to participate in and contribute to the healthcare system in a more nuanced and holistic way.

Engaging teaching and global perspective

Our commitment to your academic development and training is reflected in stimulating teaching where you will be challenged and inspired.
Teaching is primarily in Danish, but there may be subjects where the instruction is in English. The examination syllabus primarily includes literature in both English and Danish.

The programme is also available as a master’s programme for working professionals

If you are working and would like to study part-time, then a master’s programme for working professionals might be ideal for you. Read more about the master’s programme in Health Science for working professionals here.


Why study for a master’s degree in Health Science?

  • You will gain a multidisciplinary perspective on socially relevant and complex health issues.
  • You will gain knowledge and tools that can help improve the quality and efficiency of healthcare service.
  • You will gain skills to develop, implement and implement new knowledge in clinical practice.
  • You will gain skills that can open doors to versatile employment in the healthcare sector.