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The Graduate School of Health Sciences

Information about teaching obligations

At the Faculty of Health Sciences, SDU, PhD students are expected to have at least 200 working hours of teaching activities during their enrollment (extension of the enrollment will not raise this number).

  • These 200 working hours are a mandatory part of a the PhD education and will be calculated in connection with half-yearly reports and final submission. 
  • The teaching must be done within a active enrolment period in order to be counted. Teaching hours under Leave of absence, maternity-/ paternity leave e.c.t. can not be used.  
  • The teaching activities include the following: Teaching, guidance and examination of students on the university's programs and further and continuing education activities, supervision of undergraduate research year students. The activities should primarily trigger STÅ. See a more detailed list below.

The Heads of Departments and Heads of Studies, at the Faculty of Health Sciences, SDU, can assign teaching-related tasks to PhD students in addition to the 200 hours. However the last three months before the submission date must be kept free from teaching, if the PhD student so wishes. Teaching from the students SDU department must be prioritised.

The teaching activities are part of the PhD program, for reimbursement see below.

Find courses in teaching methods and more here 

The Head of the Graduate School can dispense  with the 200 hours in some specific cases after written application. Please contact The Graduate School for more information on

PhD students on a Marie Curie stipend and industrial PhD students (jvf. Innovationsfondens erhvervsph.d.-ordning) are excluded from the teaching obligations. Please note that there is still a requirement for Teaching and knowledge dissemination according to the PhD order.

In the transition phase

PhD Students who are expected to submit their thesis between 1 November 2023 and 31 December 2024 are exempt from the new teaching requirements!

For others, the following applies. This calculation model for reduction in the teaching obligation in connection with implementation has been decided. The part of the enrollment period that is before 1 November 2023 is exempt from the teaching obligation. This means that a factor-corrected number of teaching hours corresponding to:

(Submission date – 01.11.23 given in months) / 36 months) x 200

Enrollment 01.06.22 and delivery date 31.05.25.
Duration of expected enrollment is 36 months.
Number of months after 01.11.23 = 19.
The number of factor-corrected teaching hours to be held will then be: (19/36) x 200 = 105

For part time, extension, credit transfer, early submission or leave of absence, see instructions below.

Teaching done before 1 November 2023 can be counted in the total, but the PhD student must register it in the web portal. The definitions below still applies. 

If  the PhD student teach at other faculties at SDU, there must be made a STÅ contract between the faculties. Please contact you department for this.

Teaching health professionals for the purpose of certified further education such as specialist medical training or equivalent can be considered with teaching students outside SDU.

The PhD student may teach outside SDU but the target audience must be primarily students at Bachelor, Master or PhD level, preferably connected to SDU. Please note that this type of teaching has a lower calculation factor.

In case you are selected for a random check you must be able to present documentation for your teaching activities stating the following:

  • the teaching is scheduled (skemalagt)
  • your name appears in the teaching plan
  • target group for the teaching activity
  • well-defined topic of the teaching activity
  • name and contact details of the person who requested the teaching activity


The model below is a temporary solution until the final standards are set in connection with the new system FREJA, after which the PhD school's system will transition to the jointly established standards with retroactive effect.

As for now, the following will apply to PhD students from all department in the period until norms from FREJA are introduced.

Activity Factor pr. lesson* for teaching at SDU Factor pr. lesson* for teaching outside SDU
Lecture 4 2
Lecture (multiple teachers) 2 1
Lecture (presence) 1 1
Group Teaching incl. skills lab. andexcercises(≥10 stud.) 3,5 2
Group Teaching incl. skills lab. andexcercises(<10 stud.) 2 1
Activity Factor pr. hour* for SDU students  Factor pr. hour* for  non SDU students
Instructions in relation to projects and assessments 2  1
Preparation of exam assignments 1  1
Correction of exam assignments 1  1
Conducting of exams incl. OSCE 1  1
Participation at MMI (see below) 1  -
Activity Hours for SDU Students Hours for non SDU students 
Supervision of pregraduate students** 20  10
Supervision in relation to BA theses** 15  10
Supervision in relation to MA theses** 20  10
Taking part in organizing and planning academic events (e.g. conferences and seminars) (max 1) 15  -
Giving talks or presentations about your project or academic field to colleagues, secondary school students, hospital staff etc. 2 (pr. presentation)  -
Presenting at international conferences or congresses (can also be registered for ECTS credits, but not both) (pr. presentation)  -

*In the system the PhD student will only have to enter the actual number of hours in each category and the system will then make the calculation for them.

**The supervision will be supervised by either a associate professor or professor. Supervision of pregraduate, BA and MA students can maximum make up 100 of the 200 hours. 

If You would like to help at MMI on 12. June 2024 (Multiple Mini Interview) at the entrance exam at the Medical BA please contact Emilie Louise Holk (Please note that the interviews is conducted in Danish).


Transportation in connection with teaching is calculated from the PhD students place of work. If a student is working at OUH but is asked to teach in Esbjerg it is considered an official journey and must be reimbursed according to SDU’s regular rules in zExpense, paid by the SDU department requesting the teaching hours. Only teaching at SDU that trigger STÅ can be reimbursed. 

The Faculty are currently working on a site where PhD students can see where there possibilities for teaching and also register their own qualifications for teaching. Until this is ready please contact the individual educations to learn about their needs. You can find the different educations here

If You would like to help at MMI on 12. June 2024 (Multiple Mini Interview) at the entrance exam at the Medical BA please contact Emilie Louise Holk (Please note that the interviews is conducted in Danish).


The PhD students have to enter their teaching activities in the new web portal. It is the actual number of hours that needs to be entered in to the system, it will then do the calculations. Below  you can se the factors that the different activities have.


Getting started on you teaching course - by SDU HR

Find more courses in teaching methods and more here

The courses will count as external courses if you apply for subsidiary

In the case of credit transfer, the actual number of enrolled months is used as the basis for the teaching obligation. The reduction in the number of factor-corrected hours is calculated according to the formula:

(Number of credit months x 200) / 36 = Number of factor-corrected hours that can be deducted (Z)

Number of factor-corrected hours to be taught during enrollment then becomes: 200 - Z

In connection with the implementation phase, the teaching obligation is calculated by replacing "200" in the above formula with "200 - Z".

In case of extension, no more hours are added than the 200 factor-corrected teaching hours.

If submitted earlier, the teaching obligation must be complied with. This is in line with the 30 ECTS, which must also be observed.

Leave periods, regardless of type, do not count as active enrollment time and are excluded from the calculation of tuition obligation.

In relation to the implementation phase, the proportion of the total PhD period that is after 01.11.23 in whole months is calculated. Then the above formula can be used, with "Submission date - 01.11.23" simply replaced with the number of full enrollment months after 01.11.23.

For part-time students, the teaching obligation of 200 factor-corrected hours during the enrollment period must be observed. The hours can be spread over the entire enrollment period.

In relation to the implementation phase, the proportion of the total PhD period that is after 01.11.23 in whole months is calculated. Then the above formula can be used, with "Submission date - 01.11.23" simply replaced with the number of full time enrollment months after 01.11.23.

A maximum of 100 hours can be obtained by supervising students.

It must be supervision of an undergraduate research year, supervision of a bachelor's thesis or supervision of a master's thesis. If, for example, supervision of nursing students/nurses must count, it must be supervision of the bachelor's thesis itself or the master's thesis, either as main or co-supervisor. Other guidance tasks cannot contribute to the teaching obligation.

The same supervision course can only count in the hourly account for one PhD student. In other words, two or more PhD students cannot be appointed to supervise the same course. Note the different number of hours depending on whether it is a SDU student or a student from another educational institution.




The PhD programme Faculty of Health Sciences University of Southern Denmark

  • Campusvej 55
  • Odense M - DK-5230
  • Phone: 6550 4949

Last Updated 04.07.2024