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The Graduate School of Health Sciences

Information for assessment committees

The PhD defence at SDU is a public defence. The student will start the defence session with a 30-45-minutes lecture, giving a review of the subject and the results of the thesis and shall subsequently undergo an examination by the two external members of the committee.

The chairman of the committee is also chairman of the defence session.

After the examination, the chairman may permit other persons present to make a short contribution.

After the defence session the members of the assessment committee sign the faculty PhD protocol.

A PhD defence session may not exceed two hours.

The assessment committee usually meets for a preparatory meeting an hour before the defence session begins.

The defence can be conducted in Danish/Scandinavian if both the assessment committee and the author of the PhD thesis are Scandinavian. In all other cases it will be conducted in English.

When the PhD thesis has been approved for public defense,  members of the assessment committee are asked to make their own travel arrangements. 

Please be aware that we only cover travels on standard class with public transportation, unless agreed otherwise with the Graduate School. Furthermore, we do not cover meals or other expenses. 

If a hotel room is needed, the Graduate School will book one through a government agreement. The Faculty of Health Sciences will sponsor up to 2 nights. Please send a request to

If you choose to book the hotel yourself, please be aware that the regulations at SDU only allow a cost of 1.400 DKK a night, therefore the maximum amount we can reimburse is 2.800 DKK.


Travelling expenses will be refunded (according to SDU's rules) for all members of the assessment committee.

If you have access to a Danish NEM-konto please fill in the form, Oprettelsesskema for eksternePlease use the link or QR code below to submit your social security number securely.

Upon clicking the link or scanning the QR code, you must log in with your private MitID. The digital post system will automatically guide you to SDU's secure recipient system.


Important: Remember to fill in all fields on the registration form and attach the registration form before submitting it digitally. Please also state 'Oprettelse i zExpense' ('Registration in zExpense') in the subject field. See the screenshot below.

Once registered in zExpense, you will receive an auto-generated email with system login details. The email will be sent to the address you provided on the registration form and not to your digital mailbox. Please remember to check your junk email and spam filter. 

Please log-in to the system and fill in the relevant information, upload all relevant receipts. Make sure to choose Tina Ludvig-Nymark to approve your travels.


The two external assessors are offered an honorarium of approx. DKK 8,600.

Please fill in the form, Honorarium form for Danish examiners. The form must be signed before you send it to - Please don't send it before the defense has been conducted.

The two external assessors are offered an honorarium of approx. DKK 8,600.

Travelling expenses will be refunded (according to SDU's rules) for all members of the assessment committee.

You can find the relevant forms here:

The forms must be signed, and all relevant receipts must be attached, before sending them to Please don't send the forms before the defense has been conducted.

The PhD programme Faculty of Health Sciences University of Southern Denmark

  • Campusvej 55
  • Odense M - DK-5230
  • Phone: 6550 4949

Last Updated 20.02.2024