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The Graduate School of Health Sciences

The Graduate Programme in Clinical Research

Clinical research

The leading element is the communication of fundamental scientific expertise to researchers in clinically based projects.

The main tasks of the research program are:
  • To ensure the presence of a regional appropriate graduate programme within the research area of clinical research. The regional programme should be coordinated nationally to secure a broad range of courses on a national basis.
  • To provide contact between the PhD students associated with the graduate programme and a highly qualified tutor group.
  • To promote networking among PhD students associated with the graduate programme and establish contact with international research networks.
  • To attract funding for co-financed PhD programmes.
  • To cooperate with the Faculty of Health sciences to provide as good conditions as possible for the PhD students associated with the graduate programme.

The Graduate Programme in Clinical Research offers a great variety of courses and activities.

The courses are open to all PhD students, regardless of which university they are enrolled at. Students enrolled at other universities than the University of Southern Denmark pay course fees in accordance with the standard agreement between the relevant universities.

The courses also function as a meeting place for supervisors and researchers in Public Health and are therefore open to everyone in this field, and not only PhD students. Other interested persons can participate after agreement with the programme director (se the section "Contact" below). We are continually establishing new courses, so if you have an idea for a new course, please contact the programme director.

See the courses we offer as well as all other PhD courses here.

Is your question of a scientific nature or regarding course content?

Please contact programme director:

  • Professor, Head of Research Unit, Clinical Professor, Thorax Surgery, Peter B. Licht (


or of a practical nature?

Please contact the Graduate School,

The PhD programme Faculty of Health Sciences University of Southern Denmark

  • Campusvej 55
  • Odense M - DK-5230
  • Phone: 6550 4949

Last Updated 19.10.2023