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Articles about medtech

  • 24.10.2024

    Electronic nose to detect diseases with a single breath

    New research from the University of Southern Denmark in Sønderborg could change how we diagnose diseases. Researchers are developing an electronic nose capable of identifying conditions like diabetes and COVID-19 through simple breath analysis in just a few seconds.

  • 09.09.2024

    New technology could revolutionise treatment of osteoarthritis and cartilage injuries

    Researchers from King's College London, the University of Southern Denmark, and Boston University have further developed a laser imaging technology that, for the first time ever, allows for holistic deep imaging of living tissue without damaging it. The study has just been published in Nature Communications.

  • 12.01.2024

    Research Project Aims to Enhance Treatment for Individuals with Chronic Eye Diseases

    The VELUX FOUNDATIONS has recently granted 11 million Danish kroner to Professor Jakob Grauslund from the University of Southern Denmark. He will lead a national project with the aim of providing enhanced and more precise follow-up for patients with chronic eye diseases.

  • 13.12.2023

    SDU researchers lead the largest Danish EU project on cancer research

    With 60 million Danish kroner in funding, an international team of researchers led by Malene Grubbe Hildebrandt aims to find the best way to scan so that breast cancer patients can live longer.

  • 05.12.2023

    The latest addition to the rheumatologists' team is named Arthur

    Even though Arthur entered through the main entrance like any other employee on his first day at work, he is no ordinary staff member. He is, in fact, a robot. But the question arises: What role does a robot play in a rheumatology hospital?

  • 22.09.2023

    SDU Researchers to Develop Robots to Assist Nurses

    There is an urgent shortage of nurses in several parts of Europe, and a new project led by the University of Southern Denmark aims to address this issue. The eight partners, in total, have received a grant of over 12 million to build and test a range of new hospital robots. These robots are intended to take over some of the mundane tasks currently performed by healthcare professionals, allowing them to dedicate more time to patient care and treatment.

  • 20.12.2022

    Ny robot firdobler næsten antallet af afsprittede hænder

    En ny modulær robot til sygehuse udviklet på SDU har vist sig at være rigtig god til at få folk til at spritte deres hænder. Derudover kan den potentielt set også bruges som vejviser, rengøringsassistent og informationsstander.

  • 27.09.2022

    New artificial blood vessel to prevent occlusion and infection

    Researchers from SDU and Odense University Hospital aim to develop a revolutionary artificial blood vessel. The EU has backed the project with a budget of DKK 40 million.

  • 17.06.2022

    Millioner til at teste robotteknologi som ny genoptræningsform

    Med en bevilling på 6.1 millioner kroner fra A.P. Møller og Hustru Chastine Mc-Kinney Møllers Fond til almene Formaal starter Dansk Handicap Forbund et formelt samarbejde med Syddansk Universitet (SDU) om at teste effekten af en nyskabende genoptræningsform, som SDU’s forskning i træningsrobotter har skabt.

  • 08.04.2022

    Artificial intelligence can help detect life-threatening liver disease

    Every year, two million people die globally - in Denmark, five percent of all Danes have significant liver fibrosis, often discovered too late. SDU and OUH are behind a new AI-model, where technology reveals the disease much earlier.

  • 23.03.2022

    Unik dansk hjemmetest skal nedsætte risikoen for hjerte-karsygdom

    I et nyt forskningsprojekt, som Innovationsfonden netop har investeret knap 20 mio. kr. i, vil forskere fra Syddansk Universitet og Odense Universitetshospital udvikle en hjemmetest til individuel beregning af risiko for hjertekarsygdom. Testen har potentiale til at reducere dødeligheden af hjertekarsygdom med 20-25 procent.

  • 27.05.2020

    Robot swabs patients’ throats for Covid-19

    Robotics researchers from the University of Southern Denmark have developed the world’s first fully automatic robot capable of carrying out throat swabs for Covid-19, so that healthcare professionals are not exposed to the risk of infection. The prototype has successfully performed throat swabs on several people. The scientists behind are cheering: The technology works!