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Liquid NMR

What does the NMR laboratory offer?

The centre offers problem-solving using NMR spectroscopy. The offer includes recording and the processing of NMR spectra as well as consultation regarding this. The offer includes both small-defined tasks as larger projects.

What issues are relevant?

NMR spectroscopy normally requires that the samples consist of substances which are pure in chemical terms, or mixtures of these substances. Purity of the samples can often be indicated by NMR spectroscopy.

Samples that are complex mixtures or heavily polluted in chemical terms reduce the chance for getting information from the NMR spectroscopy.

What is the cost?

Smaller amounts of samples within standard conditions (2024 prices):

  • Cost per 1 sample = DKK 2,800 ex VAT
  • Cost per 5 samples = DKK 5,250 ex VAT
  • Cost per 10 samples = DKK 10,500 ex VAT
  • Cost per 10x5 samples = DKK 36,750 ex VAT

Major projects are settled through a cooperation agreement. (2024 prices)

Whom do I contact?

Laboratory Technician Christian Brandt.

Solid State NMR Spectroscopy


Acquisition and analysis of solid-state magic angle spinning (MAS) NMR spectra of organic and inorganic materials. Both small, routine and larger projects are possible.

Materials of interest

Solid state NMR often gives complimentary information to powder X-ray diffraction. In addition, it is possible to study amorphous materials and complex mixtures e.g., with several phases or polymorphs present. It is possible to obtain information about purity, relative concentration of various species as well as structural information about the local chemical environment.

Solid State NMR is especially relevant when information about the solid state is desired or the compound is insoluble or unstable in solution. A variety of different nuclei including 1,2H, 6,7Li, 13C, 23Na, 27Al, 29Si, 31P, 51V, 119Sn, 111,113Cd, 207Pb.


Prices are calculated on the basis of the scope of the individual projects. A cooperation agreement is made for each project before measurements are commenced.

For more information please contact Laboratory Technician Christian Brandt.

Last Updated 31.05.2024