Karol Jan Borowiecki
DKK 2,677,473 EU - Horizon 2020
Lone Grønbæk Jørgensen
DKK 31,200 - Miljø- og fødevareministeriet
Title: Ret Kurs for Arbejdsmiljøet
Christian Møller Dahl
DKK 432,762 - The Carlsberg Foundation
Title: Diffusion of Medical Knowledge Research Infrastructure
Title: Tourism flows in European destinations during and after the Covid-19 pandemic
Paul Sharp
DKK 1,9 million - The Carlsberg Foundation
Title: Mapping the Human Capital of the Nordic Countries
Peter Sandholt Jensen
DKK 2,6 million - Independent Research Fund Denmark (DFF)
Title: The White Death
Giovanni Mellace
DKK 1,905,198 - Independent Research Fund Denmark (DFF)
Title: Should We Tax Unhealthy Food Consumption?
Keith Andrew Meyers
DKK 1,554,840 - Marie Skłodowska-Curie, Postdoctoral Fellowships - EU Horizon 2020
Paul Sharp
DKK 60,000 - The Carlsberg Foundation
Title: Ninth CEPR Economic History Symposium 2021
Peter Sandholt Jensen
DKK 82,309 - The Carlsberg Foundation
Title: Socio-economic Effects of Vaccines (SEV) Research Infrastructure
Sibilla Di Guida
DKK 229,061 - Independent Research Fund Denmark (DFF)
Title: Unravelling Transfer of Knowledge in Economic Games - Research Stay
Nadja van 't Hoff
DKK 20,010 - Torben og Alice Frimodts Fond
Title: Research Stay 2022 - Torben og Alice Frimodts Fond
Nadja van 't Hoff
DKK 10,000 - William Demant Fonden
Title: Research Stay 2022 - William Demant Foundation
Karol Jan Borowiecki
DKK 2,589.840 - Independent Research Fund Denmark (DFF)
Title: The Origins of Creativity
Christian Kronborg
DKK 912,960 - Innovation Fund Denmark
Title:LOOP: Atrial Fibrillation Detected by Continuous ECG Monitoring using Implantable Loop Recorder to Prevent Stroke in High-Risk Individuals
Mikkel Bruun-Jensen
DKK 338,750 - Quantify Research AB
Title: Quantify BISCUITS follow-up
Philipp Ager
DKK 4,295,160 - Independent Research Fund Denmark (DFF)
Title: Institutions of Care: The Role of Early Childhood Investments for Historical Development
Christian Møller Dahl
DKK 95,797 - Danish Ministry for Health
Title: Behandlings- og forebyggelsesmetoder for ludomani: Tre forskningsprojekter
Isabel Casas
DKK 85,000 - Independent Research Fund Denmark (DFF)
Title: Forecasting Electricity from Mutriku, a successful wave power plant
Jacob Weisdorf
DKK 600,000 - The Carlsberg Foundation (01-01-2019)
Title: The wealth and poverty of nations reconsidered
Lars Lønstrup
DKK 756,000 - Independent Research Fund Denmark (DFF)
Title: Inequality in Life Span and the Macroeconomy: A Theoretical Inquiry
Giovanni Mellace
DKK 200,000 - Helsefonden
Title: Påtænkte og utilsigtede virkninger af den danske fedtafgift
Torben Dall Schmidt
Title: Udflytning af statslige arbejdspladser og lokal arbejdsmarkedsudvikling i landdistrikterne
Paul Sharp
DKK 5.9 million - Independent Research Fund Denmark (DFF)
Title: Rethinking the economic take-off of Denmark
Nina Boberg-Fazlic
DKK 1.7 million - Independent Research Fund Denmark (DFF)
Title: Effects of migration