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Declaration of interest regarding PhD project
Neurobiology Research, Dept. of Molecular Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences at SDU is looking for applicants for a PhD scholarship within the field of neuroimmunology/neurobiology.
Deadline July 29th 2022.
For further information use this link or contact Professor Bente Finsen,

Invitation to Presentation by Dr. Afshin Divani, September 8th 2022
Dr. Afshin Divani is currently traveling in Europe and is visiting SDU and OUH. In this connection Dr. Divani would like to give a talk on the subject "Updates on Advances and Challenges for Treatment of Intracerebral Hemorrhage". See more here.

OUH Talk Podcast: Can you avoid neuropathic pain afterchemo?
Why do some Danes become extra sensitive to cold and heat after undergoing chemotherapy? What is the ultimate consequence of neuropathic pain? And is it possible that we should not fear discomfort after cancer treatment in the future?

In this episode of the podcast 'OUH Talks', Nanna Elman Andersen, PhD student at the University of Southern Denmark, SDU, talks about the results of her research at the Department of Clinical Genetics at Odense University Hospital, OUH. Listen here.

“New” student assistant at BRIDGE
Since Christine will conduct her undergraduate research year in California, she will leave her position as a student assistant at BRIDGE. Stephanie, who has previously been a student assistant at BRIDGE, will come back as a student assistant from June 1st.

Statistical Assistance not available in the period July-October 2022
Due to leave of absence it is not possible to receive statistical assistance from the BRIDGE research statistician in the period July-October 2022. We recommend that you contact the statistical advisory service at the region's research support unit OPEN ( Read more about statistical assistance here.

Denmark's first professor of digital psychiatry
Psychologist and research leader Mia Beck Lichtenstein has taken up the position as professor of digital psychiatry at Telepsykiatrisk Center in Psychiatry in the Region of Southern Denmark and the Department of Clinical Research at SDU.

Invitation to PhD Summer School in Neuroscience 2022
This year the PhD summer school in neuroscience will be held the 22th-23th of June 2022. Summer school in neuroscience is a residential Ph.D-course including lectures, group work, student presentations and social events.
The summer school is relevant for young researchers across specialties in neurosciences, neurology, psychiatry, child– and adolescent psychiatry and related fields, providing a unique possibility for networking. See more here.

Invitation 24/3: Inaugural seminar, Adjunct Professor Friedemann Paul
On the occasion of Professor Friedemann Paul’s appointment as Adjunct Professor in Neurology at the Departments of Regional Health Research and Molecular Medicine, University of Southern Denmark (SDU), the Faculty of Health Sciences hereby invites you to attend an inaugural seminar.


Adjunct Professor Friedemann Paul
Inaugural seminar

”Neuroinflammatory and neurodegenerative Disease: Evolving Spectrum and Diagnostic Tools"

Thursday March 24, 2022, from 14:00 hrs CET
The Auditorium, Psykiatrihospitalet Slagelse
Fælledvej 6, DK, 4200 Slagelse


Postdoc to Research Laboratory for Stereology and Neuroscience
The Research Laboratory for Stereology and Neuroscience at Bispebjerg Hospital are looking for a highly motivated and dynamic researcher at the level of post doc for a 2-year position to commence in May 2022 or after agreement.

The position focus on the aging of protein aggregates in neurodegenerative diseases. See more about the job here.

Application deadline: February 28

Invitation for BRIDGE symposium and Minna Christiansen Lund's PhD defence 31.03.22
Invitation to attend Minna Christiansen Lund´s PhD defence on March 31 at 14:00 in Room 19.04, J. B. Winsløvsvej 19, 5000 Odense C. 
Before the PhD defence, a BRIDGE symposium will be held at 10:00 in Kirkesalen, Indgang 20, 15. sal, OUH. 
Find more information on this page.

Call for Brain Bank Pilot Projects
Deadline for applications: March 15 2022
See more here.

Examples of projects done in BRIDGE
On this page you will find examples from undergraduate and PhD students who have made projects in BRIDGE, and you can read about what the strengths of a translational project are.

Ordinary meetings in 2022
The ordinary meetings for 2022 has been added under "events". Find them on this page and see who will join us at the meetings to present their research.

News on European research program for doctors for internal platforms
BRIC at the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Copenhagen is part of a pan-European PhD program (under the MSCA), which aims to build a bridge between biomedical research and the clinic by educating research doctors. 12-16 positions will be advertised at 7 different top research institutions in Europe in 2021.
The program is aimed at medical graduates with a maximum of 4 years of professional experience and requires trans-national mobility, ie. that as a danish researcher you can’t apply for a position here, but you can apply at one of the foreign institutes. Conversely, foreign doctors can apply for the positions at BRIC.
Attached is a press release in English as well as excerpts from job postings in Danish.

Masterclass in neuroimmunology
Masterclass in neuroimmunology in multiple sclerosis w. Zsolt Illes and Roberta Brambilla. Find more information about the event here.

The Brain Prize Online Seminar Series
The Lundbeck Foundation and World Wide Neuro present The Brain Prize Online Seminar Series on migraine and headache. It consists of 12 seminars from international leaders in the field including the 2021 Brain Prize winners.
The series will begin in April 2021 and end in March 2022.
See more here.

Call for Brain Bank Pilot Projects
See more here.

Lægens Bord - The Brain Collection
The feature of the Brain Collection on 'Lægens Bord' will be on Thursday, February 25th, approximately 21.20 on DR1 (right after the late News). It has become a really nice feature - therefore, turn on the TV this thursday for a feature on our Brain Bank!

 The Brain Collection - 75 years
On the occasion of the Brain Collection's 75th anniversary, it has received some media coverage:

  • Feature about the Brain Collection in ‘Go’ morgen Denmark ’on TV2
  • A write about the collection on, find it here.
  • Feature at the next season of Lægens Bord on DR1
  • Program on DR P1 called "Kulturen", where Martin Wirenfeldt Nielsen told about the Brain Collection: find it here.


Professorship programme - The Lundbeck Foundation
The Lundbeck Foundation invites applications for its professorship programme. This supports research within the field of basic or clinical neuroscience by an internationally recognised scientist and research leader. Professors are expected to develop and mentor junior researchers.
Four to six grants are available, each worth between DKK 20 million and DKK 40m over six years, with the option for renewal.
Closing date: 07 jan 21
See more here.


Prize assignment in psychiatry

If you have not already seen it, it may be of interest below.
”Danish Regions, in collaboration with the regions, Dansk Psykiatrisk Selskab, Børne- og Ungdomspsykiatrisk Selskab og Dansk Selskab for Distriktspsykiatri, invite applications for their prize assignment in psychiatry. The award recognizes theses written by medical students in the field of psychiatry. It is required that the assignment is relevant to the psychiatric specialties and the assignment should include research methodological considerations. ”
The application deadline is 08-01-21.
For further information see here.


Inaugural seminar by Nasrin Asgari, Clinical Professor in Neurology

On the occasion of Nasrin Asgari’s appointment as Clinical Professor in Neurology you are all invited to attend an inaugural seminar on October 9th, 2020.
Date and time: 09.10.20 at 14:00.
Location: The Auditorium, Psykiatrihospitalet Slagelse, Fælledvej 6, 4200 Slagelse.
Please note the seminar will be live streamed.

Live streaming will be available via this link


3-year PhD scholarship - call for applicants
We have an interesting PhD position (3-year scholarship) within robot-assisted training in adolescents and adults with cerebral palsy, at Orthopaedic Research Unit, University of Southern Denmark. See more here.


New Student Assistant at BRIDGE
Since Stephanie will be on maternity leave from November until June, Christine Marie Nielsen will take over as BRIDGE's student assistant. She has started the leaning period on the 1st of September, and will gradually take over from Stephanie. Therefore, don't hesitate to contact her here.

Blocking a particular neurotransmitter appears to slow down multiple sclerosis and reduce damage by blood clots in the brain
With support from Danmarks Frie Forskningsfond, a group of researchers from the University of Southern Denmark will map the effects on acute and chronic inflammation in the brain when blocking the free form of the neurotransmitter TNF. Read the article here (Danish).


EBRAINS Denmark to become the first regional EBRAINS subcommunity
An important first step towards creating a strong international EBRAINS Community has now been taken. Leading institutions across Denmark declare support for the establishment of EBRAINS Denmark. See more here.

Job posting: Maternity leave for the student assistant position at BRIDGE
Current student assistant at BRIDGE goes on maternity leave this fall. See more here for details and application (in  Danish).


New professor of genetics and epilepsy appointed at Epilepsy Hospital Philadelphia and SDU
MSc, Ph.D. Rikke Steensbjerre Møller has been appointed professor at the Department of Regional Health Research, SDU, and the Epilepsy Hospital Filadelfia in Dianalund, where she will focus on research into the importance of genetics for epilepsy. Read more here (Danish).


The Danish Society for Neuroscience (DSfN)

Dear BRIDGE colleagues,
I am the secretary of The Danish Society for Neuroscience (DSfN), and with this mail, I would like to hear whether you would support the Danish Neuroscience Academy, or DNA proposal as outlined below.
I you are interested in supporting or participating in the DNA, please indicate this by replying to this mail before
3 July (til Åsa: aasvenningsen@health. sdu), so I know how many from Odense that are interested. Read more here.


The call for Brain Bank Pilot Projects is open
In 2019, the Danish Brain Bank was moved from Risskov to Odense. In order to support the establishment of the Brain Bank and project proposals related to the use of the Brain Bank, BRIDGE calls for applications for pilot projects related to the use of material from the Brain Bank. See more here.

Reminder: Mini symposium
On November 7th you are all invited to join the mini symposium on
"Novelties in Inflammatory Demyelination – Multiple sclerosis, MOG-antibody disease, NMO spectrum disorder"
See the program here.

Recently published in BRIDGE
Our member Mirolyuba Ilieva has recently published a study on the subject "FGF2 and dual agonist of NCAM and FGF receptor 1, Enreptin, rescue neurite outgrowth loss in hippocampal neurons expressing mutated huntingtin proteins"

In the process of making this article BRIDGE's medical writer, Claire Gudex, contributed the proofreading as the last step before handing the manuscript in.
Read the article here!

If you are interested in the help in proofreading, read more here.

Brain bank: The large collections of brains from AU is now in Odense
The brain bank from AU has been moved to the basement of SDU and is available for research. Much more information on the brain bank, projects, guidelines, and more will soon be available on this website.
For now, if interested, you can read this article by DR here (in Danish).

Invitation to Inaugural seminar: Adjunct Professor Brian G. Weinshenker
On the occasion of Brian G. Weinshenker’s appointment as Adjunct Professor in Neurology at the Dept. of Molecular Medicine and Dept. of Regional Health Research, University of Southern Denmark, the Faculty of Health Sciences hereby invites you to attend an inaugural seminar with the following program. See more here.

Invitation to Inaugural seminar: Clinical professor Bjarne Winther Kristensen
On the occasion of Bjarne Winther Kristensen’s appointment as professor of pathology at the Research Unit of Pathology, Dept. of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark and at the Dept. of Pathology, Odense University Hospital, the Faculty of Health Sciences hereby invites you to attend an inaugural seminar. See more here.

The Brain Prize Meeting 2019
On November 25th - 27th 2019 the Brain Prize Meeting will be held in Copenhagen. See the official invitation and more information here.

PhD Oral Defence Session: MSc in Pharmacy Justyna Joanna Okarmus
On July 5th you are all invited to the PhD oral defence on the title: "Molecular and functional analysis of human dopaminergic neurons derived from induced pluripotent stem cells with familial Parkinson’s disease: Focus on PARK2 mutation using isogenic cells" by Justyna Joanna Okarmus.
Date and time: 05.07.2019 at 13:00
Location: The Auditorium, J. B. Winsløws Vej 15, 5000 Odense C

Main supervisor: Associate Professor Morten Meyer, Department of Molecular Medicine, University of Southern Denmark

OUH Talk: Better knowledge of the brain and heart death criterion
In the coming years DCD will be reintroduced, ie donation after cardiac death. But when are one cardiac dead and when are you brain dead? At OUH Talks on June 26th, Chief Physician and Clinical Associate Professor Preben Sørensen, who is donation responsible in Northern Jutland, will shake up some of the most common perceptions of what cardiac death really is.

Time: June 26th 2019 at 8.15-8.45 AM
Location: Auditorium 1-2, Entrance 93
Registration: Registration is no longer necessary for OUH TALKS
Live streaming:
(Note: Works only on Google Chrome)

OUH's Innovation Pool 2019 has been awarded
Funds from University Hospital's Innovation Group has been awarded for the fourth time. This year, the pool of 2 million DKK was awarded to 10 exciting and innovative projects at Odense University Hospital.

One of the projects is managed by Cristoph Beier from the neurological department at OUH and also a member og BRIDGE. The grant will be used to digitalization of the investigation process in the sleep clinic. See more here.

New Head and Vice Head of BRIDGE
Kate Lykke Lambertsen (Professor, Department of Neurobiology) will from now on be the new Head of BRIDGE and Helle Hvilsted Nielsen (Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Neurobiology ) will be the new Vice Head of BRIDGE.

The former Head of BRIDGE Frantz Rom Poulsen has chosen to step back, but will continue as a member of BRIDGE.

Recently published in BRIDGE

The three authors Kate Lykke Lambertsen, Bente Finsen, and Bettina Hjelm Clausen recently published the peer-review: "Post-stroke inflammation – target or tool for therapy?" to which BRIDGE's own medical writer, Claire Gudex, contributed the proofreading as the last step before handing the manuscript in.
Read the abstract and article here!

If you are interested in proofreading too, read more here.

On the occasion of Kate Lykke Lambertsen’s appointment as Professor with specific responsibilities (wsr) in Experimental Neurobiology and Roberta Brambilla’s appointment as Adjunct Associate Professor in Neurobiology at the Department of Molecular Medicine, University of Southern Denmark (SDU), the Faculty of Health Sciences hereby invites you to attend an inaugural seminar on August 29, from 14:00.

For particulars – see here.

Invitation to Summer School 2019
This year the summer school in neuroscience will be held 19th-20th of June 2019.
Summer school in neuroscience is a residential Ph.D-course including lectures, group work, student presentations and social events.
The summer school is relevant for young researchers across specialties in neurosciences, neurology, psychiatry, child– and adolescent psychiatry and related fields, providing a unique possibility for networking. See more here.

Call for BRIDGE pre-graduate scholarship – Updated
If you want to apply for a pre-graduate scholarship based on a translational project the call is now open. Deadline is postponed until February 15th. For more information and application see here.

1st Immunology & Inflammation (I & I) Conference
On behalf of Bente Finsen, please find information regarding 1st Immunology & Inflammation (I&I) Conference in Berlin, February 25th-26th 2019.
The I&I conference presents an excellent opportunity for younger people to present their results. Find more information here.

VELUX FONDEN makes grants to gerontology research projects that contribute to improving the quality of life for senior citizens
VELUX FONDEN wishes with this effort to strengthen the rehabilitation of the elderly significantly. This is done through support for postdoc projects with special focus on neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease.

It is a prerequisite that rehabilitation efforts are based on the involvement of patients and relatives.

The focus is on interdisciplinary rehabilitation research, which involves biological, sociological and psychological aspects. The projects must also promote research collaboration across the primary and secondary sectors.

Deadline for expressions of interest is February 6th 2019 at 12.00.
See more here.

Pre-call announcement fra EU – “Multinational research projects on Personalised Medicine for Neurodegenerative Diseases”
The EU Joint Programme – Neurodegenerative Disease Research (JPND) will shortly launch a new cohesive action with the European Commission – a call for “Multinational research projects on Personalised Medicine for Neurodegenerative Diseases”. More than €30 million have already been earmarked by JPND member countries and the European Commission for this action.

See more here.

The Lundbeck Foundation: Upcoming Brain Conferences – May and June 2019
For your information, the applications for the May 2019 Brain Conference on Understanding and targeting Alzheimer's disease and for the June Brain Conference on Dynamics of the brain - temporal aspects of computation are now both open.

See further description, details for application and more here.

Invitation to the Lunch & Learn Seminar with Mesoscale (MSD) Thursday, November 29th
Come and learn about the Mesoscale multiplex immunoassay platform available at the Department of Neurobiology.
The platform offers solutions ranging from validated assays for clinical biomarkers to open platform assays allowing you to create your own multiplex/singleplex assays in multiple species.

Focus: Validated biomarker assay solutions, Off the shelf kits, Antibody sets and Assay Development options. MSD offers several hundred secreted biomarker and intracellular signaling kits, including: Cytokines, Chemokines, Vascular, Metabolic, Neurodegeneration markers etc. across a range of species. MSD is also an Open Platform ideal for customer driven multiplex assay development.

Date: Thursday, November 29th, 2018
Time: 12:00-12:45
Location: SDU, Cortex, WP 21. St. (J.B. Winsløws Vej 21)

Registration not needed - but if you sign up on or before November 27th 2018 we provide Sandwich.
Contact: Lisa Bloch
Registration: Anders Elleby,

Post-doctoral position available immediately in neuroimmunology in Calgary, Canada
The laboratory of Dr. Wee Yong at the University of Calgary is seeking to recruit a post-doctoral fellow in neuroimmunology.

The successful candidate will select from several projects on the roles and mechanisms of neuroinflammation in mediating injury or recovery in multiple sclerosis (see more here and here).

Calgary is a cosmopolitan city in the foothills of the Canadian Rockies; it offers a world-class neuroscience program and superb indoor/outdoor activities.
Please send your resume to

Postdoctoral position in brain tumor microenvironment and immuno-oncology
A position as postdoctoral fellow is available at the Research unit of Pathology, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, with 1 January 2019 being the desired starting date. The position is offered for three years. Application deadline: 25 November 2018.

You can obtain more information and apply for the job here.

The selected candidate will be part of Professor Bjarne Winther Kristensens research group.
Further information can be obtained by e-mail:

PhD scholarships through BRIDGE
From now on BRIDGE offers five scholarships a year for a PhD-project through the Graduate School of Health Sciences. For more information see here.

Medical writer at BRIDGE
Per September 1st Claire Gudex is employed as a medical writer by BRIDGE one day a week. Claire's function will be to help members with scientific publications in English, mainly through editing of the final draft before a manuscript is submitted to a journal. For more information and guidelines see here.

Open call for:
Slagtermester Wørzner og hustru Inger Wørzner’s memorial fund in favor of research on mental disorders

Deadline: October 16th 2018
For more information see webpage here.

Contact: Lone Møller Pedersen, Codex Advokater.

Lunch & Learn seminar given by Olympus:
Benefits of Multiphoton and Confocal Imaging

This is a perfect opportunity for you to optimize your protocol, getting started even and/or to solve any problems or questions you might have. See invitation here.

We look forward to see you on:
Thursday, June the 26th
Time: 11.30 – 12.30
Location: WP 19, room 19.01
Please be advised, the deadline for registration is June the 22nd.

Registration by email to:


Invitation to Master's defence


Titel: The Effect of Tumor Necrosis Factor on Brain Development

Science student: Kathrine Solevad Larsen
Thursday June 28th 2018, 12:00
Location: Cortex, WP21, ground floor


Associate Professor Kate Lykke Lambertsen, IMM, SDU and
Professor Nils J. Færgeman, BMB, SDU

Censor: Associate Professor Karin Lykke-Hartmann, Institut for Biomedicin – Forskning og uddannelse, AU


Invitation to PhD-defence

Titel: Patient Reported Outcomes and Clinical Rating Scales for Fatigue and Cognition in Multiple Sclerosis

PhD Student: Tobias Sejbæk, Specialist Registrar, Neurology
Monday June 4th 2018, 11:00-13:00, at the big auditorium WP25 (J.B. Windsløws vej 25, 5000 Odense)

Afterwards a reception is held in the conference room at the the Department of Neurology.

Associate professor, MD, PhD, Claudia Pfleger, Department of Neurology, Aalborg University Hospital
Professor, Dr. Med, Andrew Chan, Universitäres ambulantes Neurozentrum, Inspital, Universitätsspital Bern
Professor, MD, Egon Stenager, MS clinic of southern Jutland (Chair)

Professor, PhD, Zsolt Illes (main supervisor)
Head of Department, Dr. Med, Mads Ravnborg
Department of Neurology, Odense University Hospital and Clinical Institute, University of Southern Denmark


Registration for The Brain Conference "The Necessity of Cell Types"

Lundbeck Fonden offers 20 free seats for the upcoming conference in October 2018. For more information see here.


Call for nominations for The Brain Prize 2019

The call for is open until September 1st. Follow this link to read more at Lundbeck Fonden's webpage.


9,000 brains are moved from Aarhus to Odense

The world's largest brain collection is moved from Aarhus to Odense this fall. So far, the collection is stored at the Psychiatric Hospital in Aarhus, but will not be moved when the hospital moves into new premises at the end of the year. For more information visit

See future events from BRIDGE and our members on our event page:


Department of Clinical Research - Faculty of Health Sciences - University of Southern Denmark

  • Campusvej 55
  • Odense M - DK-5230
  • Phone: +45 6550 9254

Last Updated 27.08.2024