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Factsheet by Lene Wermuth

Group name: T-Pemf and parkinsonism group.
Group leaders:
Lene Wermuth, Dementia Clinic OUH, Depart-ment of Neurology, Odense University Hospital, Uni-versity of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark
Bente R Jensen, Department of Neurology, Oden-se University Hospital, University of Southern Den-mark, Odense, Denmark
Ole Gredal, The Danish Rehabilitation Centre for Neuromuscular Diseases, Taastrup, DenmarkH
Per Bech, Psychiatric Research Unit, Psychiatric Centre North Zealand, University of Copenhagen, Hillerød, Denmark

Group members :
Lene Wermuth, MD,Consultant, Ass.Prof.
Bente R Jensen, Phd, Professor
Ole Gredal, MD, Consultant
Per Bech, MD, Professor
Bo M Morberg, MD, Phd student
Anne Sofie B Malling, M.Sc. Phd student

Department & University/Hospital/Other: Department of Neurology, Odense University Hospital, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark
Funding sources: Den A.P. Møllerske Støttefond Grosserer, L.F Foghts foundation, Jascha foundation, Odense Uni-versity Hospital, University of Southern Denmark.

Description of research:
Parkinsonism (PD) is a common progressive neurodegenerative disorder characterized by trem-or, bradykinesia, rigidity and postural instability. Treatment with bipolar pulsed electromagnetic (PEMF) stimulations is a non-invasive rapidly emerging method. The PEMF technique has been successfully applied to stimulate nerve growth and attenuate nerve abnormalities. Application of the technique seems to enhance cellular activity and stimulate growth related responses and re-generation.
Project part 1: The Effects of Transcranial Pulsed Electromagnetic Field stimulation on disease severity, non-motor symptoms, motor function and quality of life in Parkinson’s Disease.
Project part 2: Effects of long-term treatment with bipolar pulsed electromagnetic stimu-lation on disease severity, cerebrospinal fluid growth factors, tremor, muscle activation and brain glucose metabolism in persons with Parkinsonism.

Key publications (last 10 years):
1. Manthripragada AD, Schernhammer E, Qiu J, Friis S, Wermuth L, Olsen JH, Ritz B.Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drug use and the risk of Parkinson’s Disease. Neuroepidemiology 2011; 36: 155-61.

2. Bech P, Gefke M, Lunde M, Lauritzen L, Martiny K. The pharmacopsychometric triangle to illustrate the effectiveness of T-PEMF concomitant with antidepressants in treatment resistant patients: A double-blind, randomised, sham-controlled trial revisited with focus on the patient-reported outcomes. Depression Research and Treatment. Volume 2011, Article ID 806298, 6 pages doi:10.1155/2011/806298

3. Schernhammer E, Hansen J, Rugbjerg K, Wermuth L, Ritz B. Diabetes and the risk of developingParkinson’s Disease in Denmark. Diabetes Care 2011; 34: 1102-8.

4. Ritz B, Manthripragada AD, Qian L, Schernhammer E, Wermuth L, Olsen J, Friis S. Statin Use and Parkinson's Disease in Denmark. Movement Disorders 2010;25(9):1210-1216.

5. Martiny K, Lunde M, Bech P. Transcranial Low Voltage Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields in Patients with Treatment-Resistant Depression. Biol Psychiatry 2010;68(2):163-9

6. Rose MH, Lokkegaard A, Sonne-Holm S, Jensen BR. Isometric Tremor Irregularity, Torque Steadiness and Rate of Force Development in Parkinson's Disease. Motor Control 2012.

7. Nielsen HH, Qiu J, Friis S, Wermuth L, Ritz B. Treatment for Helicobacter pylori infection and risk of Parkinson's disease in Denmark. European J of Neurol. 2012 19(6):864-9.

8. Wermuth L, Lassen CF, Himmerslev L, Olsen J, Ritz B. Validation of hospital register-based diagnosis of Parkinson's disease. Dan Med J 2012;59(3);A4391 Resume af originalartikel i Ugeskrift for læger 2012;174:641

9. Rose MH, Lokkegaard A, Sonne-Holm S, Jensen BR. Tremor irregularity, torque steadiness and rate of force development in Parkinson's disease. Motor Control 2013; 17:203-216.

10. Rose MH, Lokkegaard A, Sonne-Holm S, Jensen BR. Improved clinical status, quality of life, and walking capacity in Parkinson's disease after body weight-supported high-intensity locomotor training. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2013; 94:687-692.

11. Schernhammer E, Qiu J, Wermuth L, Lassen CF, Friis S, Ritz B. Gout and the risk of Parkinson'sdisease in Denmark. Eur J Epidemiol 2013;28:359-60

12. Nielsen M, Hansen J, Ritz B, Nordahl H, Schernhammer E, Wermuth L, Hulvej Rod N. Cause-Specific Mortality Among Spouses of Parkinson Disease Patients. Epidemiology 2014;25(2):225-32.

13. Morberg M.B, Jensen J, Bode M, Wermuth L. The impact of high intensity physical training on motor and non-motor symptoms in patients with Parkinson's disease(PIP): A preliminar study. Neurorehabilisation 35(2014)291-298.

14. Straasø B, Lauritzen L, Lunde M, Vinberg M, Lindberg L, Larsen ER, Dissing S, Bech P. Dose-remission of Pulsating Elec-troMagnetic Fields as augmentation in therapy-resistant depression. A randomized, double-blind controlled study. Acta Neuropsychiatrica 2014;5:272-279

15. Kroigaard T, Christensen J, Wermuth L, Ritz B, Lassen CF. The use of antidepressant medication in Parkinson's disease patients is not affected by the type of antiparkinson medication. J Parkinson's Dis.2014;4(3):327-30.

16. Kenborg L, Lassen CF, Ritz B, Andersen KK, Christensen J, Schernhammer ES, Hansen J, Wermuth L, Rod NH, Olsen JH. Lifestyle, family history, and risk of idiopathic Parkinson's disease: a large Danish case-control study. Am J Epidmiol. 2015 May 15;181(10):808-16.

17. Wermuth L. Demens – nu og i fremtiden. Ugeskr Laeger. 2015 May 25;177(22):V67001.

18. Bech P, Lindberg L, Straasø B, Larsen ER. A two-year follow-up study of patients participating in our transcranial pulsating electromagnetic fields (T-PEMF) augmentation in treatment-resistant depresssion. Acta Neuropsychiatrica 2015; 2:119-125. DOI: 10.1017/neu.2014.44

19. Malling AS, Jensen BR. Motor intensive anti-gravity training improves performance in dynamic balance related tasks in persons with Parkinson's disease. Gait Posture 2016; 43:141-147.

20. Hoffmann K, Sobol NA, Frederiksen KS, Beyer N, Vogel A, Vestergaard K, Brændgaard H, Gottrup H, Lolk A, Wermuth L, Jacobsen S, Laugesen LP, Gergelyffy RG, Høgh P, Bjerregaard E, Andersen BB, Siersma V, Johannsen P, Cotman CW, Waldemar G, Hasselbalch SG. Moderate-to-High Intensity Physical Exercise in Patients with Alzheimer's Disease: A Randomised Controlled Trial. Journal of Alzheimers Disease. 50(2016)443-453.

21. Wermuth L, Cui X, Greene N, Schernhammer E, Ritz B. Medical Record Review to Differentiate between Idiopathic Parkinsons's Disease (IPD) and Parkinsonism: A Danish Record Linkage Study with 10 Years of Follow-up. Parkinson's Disease 2015; Article ID 781479, 9 pages.

22. Sobol NA, Hoffmann K, Frederiksen KS, Vogel A, Vestergaard K, Brændgaard H, Gottrup H, Lolk A, Wermuth L, Jacobsen S, Laugesen L, Gergelyffy R, Høgh P, Bjerregaard E, Siersma V, Andersen BB, Johannsen P, Waldemar G, Hasselbalch SG, Beyer N. Effect of aerobic exercise on physical performance in patients with Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimers Dement. 2016;12(12):1207-1215.

23. Bech P. Measurement-based care in mental disorders. Springer Briefs in Psychology. Springer Verlag, New York 2016. ISBN 978-3-319-46650-7

24. Jensen CS, Portelius E, Siersma V, Høgh P, Wermuth L, Blennow K, Zetterberg H, Waldemar G, Hasselbalch SG, Simonsen AH. Cerebrospinal Fluid Amyloid Beta and Tau Concentrations Are Not Modulated by 16 Weeks of Modorate- to High-Intensity Psysical Exercise in Patients with AlzheimerDisease. Dementia and Geriatr Cogn Disord 2016;42:146-158.

25. Pehrson C, Hertz JM, Wirenfeldt M, Stenager E, Wermuth L, Kristensen BW. Hereditary spastic paraplegia type 8- Neuropathological findings. Brain Pathology 2017;

26. Morberg BM, Malling AS, Jensen BR, Gredal O, Bech P, Wermuth L. Parkinson's disease and transcranial pulsed electromagnetic fields: A randomized clinical trial. Movement Disorders 2017 ,32(4):625-626. doi: 10.1002/mds.26927J

27. Morberg BM, Malling AS, Jensen BR, Gredal O, Bech P, Wermuth L. The effects of transcranial pulsed electromagnetic fields in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease. 2nd. International Brain Stimulation Conference, Spain 2017 (abstract)

28. Morberg BM, Malling AS, Jensen BR, Gredal O, Bech P, Wermuth L. Treatment of Parkinson’s disease with pulsed electromagnetic fields; a randomized clinical trial. The 13th International Conference on Alzheimer’s & Parkinson’s, Vien 2017 (abstract)

29. Malling AS, Morberg BM, Wermuth L, Gredal O, Bech P, Jensen BR. Treatment with transcranial pulsed electromag-netic fields (T-PEMF) alters power distribution og resting hand tremor frequencies in Parkinson’s disease. The 13th Interna-tional Conference on Alzheimer’s & Parkinson’s, Wien 2017 (abstract)

30. Jensen BR, Malling AS, Morberg, BM, Gredal, O, Bech P, Wermuth L. Associations between measured motor function and UPDRS motor score. The 13th International Conference on Alzheimer’s & Parkinson’s, Vien 2017 (abstract)

31. Malling ASB., Morberg, BM, Wermuth, L, Gredal, O. Bech, P, Jensen, BR. Treatment with transcranial pulsed electromagnetic fields enhances functional rate of force development during chair rise in persons with parkinson’s disease. 2nd. International Brain Stimulation Conference, Spain 2017 (abstract)

Key collaborations:
Danish: Assoc. Prof. Morten Meyer, Neurobiologisk forskning, SDU. Professor Poul Flemming Høilund Carlsen, Nuclear Med. Afd, OUH.
International: Prof. Madeleine M. Lowery and Matt W Flood, School of electrical & electronic Engineering, University college Dublin, Ireland.

Equipment/expertise within: transcranial pulsed electromagnetic stimulation.
Electromyography/analysis, tremor measurements and analysis, force measurements and analysis.

Department of Clinical Research - Faculty of Health Sciences - University of Southern Denmark

  • Campusvej 55
  • Odense M - DK-5230
  • Phone: +45 6550 9254

Last Updated 27.08.2024