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Call for Brain Bank Pilot Projects

In 2019, the Danish Brain Bank was moved from Risskov to Odense. In order to support the establishment of the Brain Bank and project proposals related to the use of the Brain Bank, BRIDGE calls for applications for pilot projects related to the use of material from the Brain Bank. A total of approximately DKK 500,000 is available for funding in 2024.

Research theme
The research should involve material (e.g. journals or tissue) from the Brain Bank and can be related to basic or clinical neuroscience, or other types of science with a clear relevance to neuroscience.

Avaliable material
You are encouraged to inquire availability of material (tissue and/or data) in the Brain Bank before submitting your application. You can do this by contacting Head of Brain Bank and Associate Professor Martin Wirenfeldt Nielsen, Department of Pathology.

Who can apply?
The applicant must be affiliated with BRIDGE or become affiliated with BRIDGE and to be employed at either:
- Odense University Hospital,
- Mental Health Service – University Hospital of Southern Denmark, or the
- University of Southern Denmark.
We encourage all disciplines to apply, including, but not limited to, researchers from medical and natural sciences, humanities, and business and social sciences. Translational and/or interdisciplinary projects are welcomed.

How much?
You can apply up to 150,000 and we expect to award 3-5 grants. The budget may include non-staff costs related to the project, excluding research equipment and infrastructure.

How to apply
You must submit your application, written in English, to
Your application must include the following:
1) Research plan (5 pages)
2) Short CV and publication list
3) Budget
4) Letters of support

You are welcome to contact us if you have any questions regarding the application.

Important deadlines
1) Deadline for application: February 29th, 2024
2) Notification of grants: April 2024

Grant conditions
If you’re granted funding, we expect you to use OPEN for secure managmanet of sensitive research data relating to the Brain Bank. OPEN can assists with extraction of data from autopsy reports, medical responsa and records (based on availability) to research projects admitted to OPEN (Please refer to OPENs homepage regarding conditions and potential cost for use of the infrastructure). Data mined from Brain Bank material (wet and dry) should be submitted to the Brain Bank database where applicable after publication. Approval by the local ethical committee to use the tissue has to be obtained in collaboration with Head of Brain Bank and Associate Professor Martin Wirenfeldt Nielsen, Department of Pathology and is a pre-requisite, however, this can be obtained after grant approval. You’re expected to submit a report of the used expenses at the end of the project period.

Department of Clinical Research - Faculty of Health Sciences - University of Southern Denmark

  • Campusvej 55
  • Odense M - DK-5230
  • Phone: +45 6550 9254

Last Updated 27.08.2024