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We are continuously exploring and developing solutions for nanoscale light confined by nanostructures and nanoparticles.

Facility and Equipment:

Nanophotonics lab

This laboratory hosts various state-of-the-art spectroscopy, general light measurement and characterisation setups. The research conducted in this lab focuses on studying phenomena resulting from the interaction of light and matter on macro-, micro- and nanoscale and developing novel devices based on such effects.   


Light measurements
Light source calibration, intensity measurements, LED measurements, spatial distribution of sources, total spectral and luminous flux measurements.


Time-resolved laser spectroscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy, reflection/transmission spectroscopy, temperature-dependent spectroscopy, diffuse reflection spectroscopy

Technical specification of equipment

  • Spectra Physics Tsunami Mode locked Ti-Sapphire Laser (sub 35 fs)
  • Dynamic Light Scattering, LS Instruments, 3D DLS, 2 DDLS
  • Laser Scanning Microscope, Nikon Eclipse TE2000
  • Streak Camera System for Time-Resolved Spectroscopy, Model C10627; Hamamatsu Photonics
  • Custom-built Leakage-Radiation Microscope
  • Integrating Sphere, Lab Sphere RTC-060-SF
  • Spectrometer, Princeton Instruments Acton SP2150
  • 4 K Closed Cycle Refrigerator System, Janis
  • Spectrophotometer, UV-1200-PC Frederiksen
  • Custom-built Photogoniometer


The nano- and microfabrication activities at NanoSYD are conducted at our ISO 5 cleanroom facility. A full list of the cleanroom equipment, including details on the facility, can be found at

The NanoSYD cleanroom facility is used frequently by NanoSYD researchers as well as other researchers at the university or by external partners and users.

Selected projects: 

NanoTrain: programmable colloidal nanomachine

For years, scientists have dreamt of nanomachines and nanorobots, which allow precise interactions with nanoscale objects. Various types of nanomachines have been invented and tested. However, many of the key bottlenecks remain. In the NanoTrain project, we aim to develop a fully programmable nanomachine with its own efficient and directional propulsion system, which could take on board arbitrary cargoes and be easily controlled, e.g. by external magnetic fields. Our concept based on the sequential capillarity-assisted particle assembly approach (sCAPA) can open up new possibilities for building nanoscale devices, e.g. fully controlled shuttle devices for targeted delivery.

Last Updated 27.07.2024