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New Honorary Professor will help to Secure Houses in Storm

Chief executive officer Svend Ole Hansen is awarded the title of Honorary Professor at the Faculty of Engineering. He will help put together a research group centred on how vibrations affect buildings and bridges.

‘Come and see a bridge swing in our wind tunnel’. This is how, CEO Svend Ole Hansen advertises for an open house event, when he in early December celebrates his 25th anniversary as CEO of the company Svend Ole Hansen ApS. For 25 years, his company has tested large constructions in wind tunnels.

These competences now benefit the Department of Technology and Innovation at the Faculty of Engineering. Svend Ole Hansen has been awarded the title of Honorary Professor affiliated with the research group in Structural Dynamics. The group will, among other things, do research on how vibrations, from weighting such as wind or traffic, affect buildings and structures.

Expands with wind tunnels in the United States
Since Svend Ole Hansen received his Master of Science degree in Engineering and a PhD in Wind Engineering, he has specialized in experimental measurements of wind tunnels. And he has recently expanded the business with two large wind tunnels in Burlington, Vermont in the US.

Since 2006 he has taught, among other things, Wind and Person Loads at the Department of Technology and Innovation and has been co-supervisor of thesis projects and external co-supervisor of a PhD project.

In addition to his professional career, Svend Ole Hansen has also maintained his research competences by publishing articles in several scientific journals. The construction of the research group Structural Dynamics will therefore benefit from both Svend Ole Hansen’s knowledge of the corporate world as well as from his research.

Editing was completed: 02.12.2013