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List of all the Employees at Research Unit of Endocrinology (Esbjerg)

IRS - Esbjerg and Grindsted Hospital, Research Unit of Endocrinology (Esbjerg)

First name Last name Position Telephone Email
Per Heden  Andersen  Teaching Associate Professor   
Morten  Bjerregaard-Andersen  Clinical Associate Professor   
Nanna Marie  Christiansen  PhD student   
Simone  Ejstrup Enemark  PhD student   
Simone  Ejstrup Enemark  PhD student   
Søren  Gam  PhD student   
Bibi  Gram  Associate Professor   
Jeppe  Gram  Clinical Associate Professor   
Claus Bogh  Juhl  Clinical Professor, Head of Research   
Mikkel Emil Iwanoff  Kolind  PhD student  +4565508316 
Charlotte Røn  Stolberg  Postdoc   
Tobias Midtvedt  Windedal  Phd Student   
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Last Updated 27.07.2024