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Design and Implementation of a Digital Twin for an Eletrolyser Assembly Plant

Hydrogen produced through water electrolysis, utilizing sustainably sourced water and energy from renewable sources, presents itself as a possible answer to the forementioned challenge, since it allows for the storage and transportation of energy in the form of green hydrogen, with virtually no carbon emissions. Despite recent developments, the cost of green hydrogen is still considerably high, driven primarily both by the high component and operational costs.


According to IRENA, one of the major bottlenecks for the wide adoption of green hydrogen lies within the eletrolyser assembly process, which remains complex and too costly. It is within this niche of the hydrogen value chain where this project is contextualized.


Our aim is to apply current Industry 4.0 methodology, whilst also developing new approaches, to the alkaline water electrolysis system assembly process. The application of advanced digital manufacturing solutions, coupled with novel industrial concepts, could provide us with an eletrolyser assembly plant with high traceability and flexibility, allowing for swift adaptation to the ever-changing design and product requirements characteristic of a fast-evolving market.

study will focus on the following key elements:

  • Provide a comprehensive analysis of the eletrolyser assembly process and create a detailed overview of the intricacies of the multiple assembly steps
  • Develop novel assembly approaches and manufacturing strategies within the context of industry 4.0 and agile methods
  • Identify relevant digitalization oportunities within the assembly process and allocate the necessary resources for the implementation of digital solutions
  • Create the framework for the imlementation of a Digital Twin-like system for the assembly process

This project is part of GreMeOH, within the initiative Mission Green Fuels, funded by Innovation Fond Danmark and is made in collaboration between industrial and university partners.

Rui Goncalves, PhD Student


Last Updated 05.10.2023