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SDU-EOM is significantly involved the national research and innovation platform for digital and sustainable shipping in Denmark.

Our section takes part in 3 work packages (WP) within WP1 on digital ship operation, which are the following ones:

  • WP1 aims at providing a set of recommendations for information exchange / interfaces across different systems onboard ships and modules for decision support applied onshore / onboard ships. The aim is also partly to identify various pathways going forward for the Danish shipping industry when it comes to implementation of future international standards for digital ship operations as well as use of digital marketplaces for data and analytical services 
  • WP2 aims at developing decision support tools and enhanced models for predicting hull and propeller performance at sea, planning and execution ballast / laden voyages to minimize fuel consumption, diagnosing potential sensor faults or performance issues and finally, there is emphasis on providing concise and relevant feedback (modules) from onshore to crew onboard vessels 
  • WP3 aims at developing a new generation of digital tools for maintenance and spare parts planning. The project is working with digital data capture and integration of  various ship data sources, as for example vessel sailing information, sensor data from engines and equipment, lube and fuel oil data, maintenance and inspection records, spare parts purchasing and shipment information etc. Gathering and integrating large data sets on state-of-the-art platforms will enable the team to develop a new set of analytical models and decision support tools which be used for two purposes. Firstly, for monitoring and predicting wear for a number of key engine components, including piston rings, cylinder liners, exhaust valves, fuel valves and nozzles. Secondly, for forecasting, planning and purchasing spare parts in a more cost efficient and sustainable way for the ship operators and suppliers

The project runs from April 2019 to March 2020, and will involve the following project partners:

  • Torm
  • MAN Energy Solutions
  • Lauritzen
  • Maersk Tankers
  • Vessel Performance Solutions
  • Logimatic
  • Force Technology
  • DTU 
  • SDU

The project is funded by The Innovation Fund Denmark and the private funds: Lauritzen Fonden, Orients Fond, Den Danske Maritime Fond.

For more information go to 

Niels Rytter, Head of Section / +45 65507216

contact details

SDU Engineering Operations Management University of Southern Denmark

  • Campusvej 55
  • Odense M - DK-5230
  • Phone: +45 6550 7450

Last Updated 05.10.2023